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quest Honoring the Dead (VIP 13 Cata 4.3.4)


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  • [Location, Faction, Race] Southern Barrens, Ruins of Taurajo [coords 43,50], Horde, Blood elf
  • [Name, Type] Krulmoo,Danh,Yonada,Omusa. fallen tauren
  • [Problem Description] Item "funerary totem" doesn't update the quest parameters "Krulmoo|Danh|Yonada|Omusa eulogized". also I only found the name Omusa, not the other's names on the fallen tauren.
  • [How it should work] when I use the "funerary totem" on or near Omusa, I expect the quest's parameters/targets to update, but the game doesn't. I tried both on the body, near the body, and near pyres or braziers and the like. I also expect the other tauren's names, but can't seem to find them.