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Quest bugs and some other things


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A few friends of mine have been playing way more than I have but have left feedback and issues that are occurring in the lastest v4 update.

Quest Bug - The Eye of the Storm:
  • [Location, Faction, Race]Orgrimmar, Horde, Tauren
  • [Name, Type] The Eye of the Storm, Quest - Thrall, NPC
  • [Problem Description] clicking on the water thing to see the cutscene of thrall in the maelstrom is bugged. You cannot talk to thrall and if the hearthstone is on cooldown, you cannot leave. Because of this you cannot do any open world quests in Cata.
  • [How it should work] You should be able to see the cutscene/talk to thrall.
Quest Bug - Reports from the Field:
  • [Location, Faction, Race]Howling Fjord, Horde, Tauren
  • [Name, Type] Reports from the Field, Quest- Lyana: 78.7, 37.1, NPC - Razael: 77.6, 34.7, NPC
  • [Problem Description] A player reported that you do not get credit for the quest when you are talking to these two npcs.
  • [How it should work] Get credit when talking to Lyana and Razael for this quest.
Quest Bug - Test at Sea:
  • [Location, Faction, Race]Howling Fjord, Horde, Tauren
  • [Name, Type] Test at Sea, Quest- North Fleet reservists NPC
  • [Problem Description] A player reported that you do not get credit for killing these NPCs while on the bat given by the bat handler.
  • [How it should work] Get credit when killing the NPCs from the bat that you get from the bat handler.


According to one of my friends, Runeforging does not work at all. I will get more details on this feature and its issues.

World/Zone bugs:

Zones that are layered or change as you complete quests (Dragonblight, Icecrown, Zul'Drak, etc.) do not change/adapt to the player as quests complete or are unable to complete. This may be related to just WOTLK zones, but im curious if this is something that is easily fixable that I would be able to fix or if this is something more out of my hands.

Azshara Rocketway is glitched out, it will transport you to the northern station before going all the way south. not sure about other locations in Azshara.

Dungeon: Shadowfang Keep, Horde, Undead, Warlock - When dead, cannot talk to the angel in the graveyard (disappears), and cannot re-enter the dungeon.

Dungeon Bosses/Junk minions:
[Dark Shaman Acolyte, Ragefire Chasm]: 945k health. It seems to pull the level 90 minion, but deals the same amount of damage as the rest of the minions, just has an insane amount of health.
[worm boss (cant remember the name), Ragefire Chasm]: 15 health. Just walking into the room basically instakills this boss.
[Shadowy Attendant, Shadowfang Keep]: One Shot/insane damage. I have found that the damage multiplyer was set to 20.4, I have reduced it to 2.4 and it now seems to be balanced.
[Riverpaw (in general), Stormwind Stockades]: Deal quite a bit of damage. I have not looked at the damage reduction for this one yet.

If there is anything that you guys would like more information on, I can try and gather it. I am hoping this will also help some others with some of the fixes I tested.