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Quality-Gaming is currently Recruiting!


Verified Member

Greetings everyone.

Quality Gaming is currently looking to recruit some new staff members.

About Us:
Quality Gaming is a 3.3.5 custom level 60 server. We are working on overhauling Azeroth in its entirety. This means every zone will be completely redone, from worldbuilds to npc's and cities to quest(lines) and even dungeons.
In every zone you will find that a new theme has been applied, to match our custom content.

Sadly I cannot provide any screenshots or video's at this time.
Except a preview of one of our zones (Badlands):
We don't want to spoil to much of our content already.

We are currently looking for

2 World Designers
Required experience in:

2 Developers (C++/SQL)
Required experience in:
-Knowledge in SmartAI

Handful of testers
Required experience in:
-World of Warcraft mechanics
-Testing content

To make an application for our server, please join our discord channel. (https://discord.gg/XDKB7yn)
Here you will be provided with a format, which you have to fill in. (PM either Conor or Jody)

For people wondering, this is not paid work.

Thank you for your time,
Quality Gaming team.​
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