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PvP Season Bug


Verified Member
hi, first sorry if my english looks bad:
i have a huge trouble with the pvp season and really i don't know a possible fix.
the fact i have more than 10k honor points and almost 9k arena and i still can't buy a weapon, starting the server i set the season id to 11, this is the one i hope and after that nothing, i have earn a lot, more than 1k kills and nothing. it keeps telling me "need 7960 HP to this season"
my solution was change the prices to the weapons, taking from a diferent season and works fine but is a huge query and could be bad for the server if i keep this way. each time
i'll be very glad i someone could help me in this way.


Verified Member
i actually changing for the 2.0 core but i guess the trouble goes far from there, the solution could be changing the season id to 11???
or could be more a core trouble ?
any way i will test on the world 2.0 and....
as i saw in some cataclysm tournaments the talent eternal glory(the one who gives a 30% chance of WoG doesn't consume Holy Power) has cooldowns and does not have in the server, this is more a question than a bug, so ... ?


Verified Member
emucoach core, i gess this is trinity but, really this is a minority fix when u have a fury warrior able to kill two players in arena without getting HP under 70%, 4k per tic with bloodthirst... NO ONEcould do dps to kill a guy that mades u 10k damage and heals for 12k every 3 sec, well i left u some bur reporting still persisting in my 1 day test chamorrorenzo bug report
plz tell me if i have 2 wait till the v3.0 or are going to make a release v2.1 with some minority fixes