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Project Solace - Legion 7.3.5 (26654)


Verified Member

Project Solace is a 7.3.5 Blizzlike Legion server offering custom xp rates from 1-10x for those who wish to speed through old content. We have applied over 1000 SQL & C++ fixes to this date. We are currently seeking Gamemasters/C++ Developers/MySQL Developers to join our friendly dedicated team. We currently have 1 MySQL Developer & 2 C++ Developers, 1 Admin, 3 Gamemasters. All staff members are rewarded our digital currency "Donation Coins" in exchange for there services however in the future donations will be used to pay our staff members.

MySQL 1/3
C++ Developer 2/4
Community Manager 0/1
Advertisement Management 0/1
Gamemasters 3/5

-MySQL Developers-

MySQL Developers must be well versed and know how to edit/fix SmartAI scripts, access will be given to the required fields/tables in which your experience reflects.

-C++ Developer-

C++ Developers must be fluent in Trinitycore based code and must be able to provide examples of there work during the recruitment process. You must also have a understanding of GitHub.

-Community Manager-

Community Managers must act professional and mature to reflect the servers image.

-Advertisement Manager-

Advertisement Managers must have experience in GFX related work and be fluent in English in order to advertise the server. You will be responsible for all social media related work.


Gamemasters must have a great understanding of Trinitycore based commands however this is not mandatory as training can be given for starters. You are to act professional and mature while assisting players in-game. You will be given access to our Ticket System acting as a agent to deal with tickets.

If any of the above positions are of interest you may contact us via our discord server.


Regards, The Project Solace Team
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