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[Project-Nightfall.org] LF Developers & Staff Members


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Project-Nightfall.org is a 4.3.4 Cataclysm Server, 1x blizzlike, recruiting developers & other staff members

Project Information & Goals
A serious project with high ambitions.
- Create competition on the Cataclysm market. (PvE based realm with PvP activities)
- Take people back to the good old Cataclysm days.

Unlike many others, we didn't start working on the project a week ago, or plan on offering % of donations for developers. (will be sent directly)
Instead, we have a custom website design, which is uniquely coded for us. A suitable custom bugtracker & progress page. An already running host, discord , testers, video trailer, money to spend & a set-up. We do however lack a bigger staff team, with the right people.

What can you expect?
- You will have a rich opportunity to work with a project whose goals are to create competition on the market, and be a part of something big.
- You'll always be respected for your work.

Payment will be included for the developers. We are more than happy to reward our developers with cash. Both a stable position & freelance.

- Developers who want to work on a stable position (and be a part of something bigger, and eventually earn some cash)
- Freelance developers who are just in it for the cash. That's fine. As long as you know your stuff.
- Other staff members - We are searching for people who are interested in either management, advertisement, gamemasters or all three.
Please keep in mind we have a high quality set. We are not looking for young teenagers to fill the GM role.

Fixes that are needed for development:
Database: Quest fixing, misc scripting, SAI, conditions, zone fixing, instances & more
Core: Instance & Raid scripting - highly needed, spell fixing, clean-ups & misc, optimizations, movement & pathing, features and general core functions & more.

We already have a rich database and core running, but we still have lot of remaining things to do in order to improve it!

Discord: [MENTION=1750]Utilize[/MENTION] #5245
Skype: Emil3060

Discord server: https://discord.gg/jSNDcje

-- Payment amount can be high if it fits the work amount. We have a high budget.