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Project Balnazzar 3.3.5


Trial Member
Note: This will be a long post so be prepared.
Currently there is no SSL, no mysql clusters/ replication nodes, and only one worldserver node, I just bought a temporary cheap dedicated server and set it up so i can hopefully get some bug reports till i finish the website backend.

Drama and Donations

Now people will start to ask questions about donations and drama. Well i can tell you that I'm the only one with access to the servers and source code of both website/server and I will be the only one. Any developer that want to contribute is free to do it, we will have a compiled version of our server free to download so anyone can work on the database and write quest/misc database fixes (it will have ~10 player limit so it's not suitable for a public server). About the donations, we will have a small shop with cosmetic items like mounts, pets, tabards and some other stuff. There won't be any "boosts", "features" or "items" that makes the game unfair to other players and this is 100% guaranteed, the purpose of it is basically to help us with the server bills (~2x dedicated[one for live realm and another for mysql and server replication(backup in case of takedown/main node downtime)], 1x vps for hourly backups(i have 3 other points in 3 different cities with NAS disks for hourly backups so overall 4 backup locations that means we won't lost any), web hosting(maybe a cloudflare / some fancy CDN as well). ANYTHING in the donation store WILL be obtainable for free (when you kill raid bosses you will get a small amount of "donation coins" so we can both stimulate players to do old content and in the meantime earn something valuable for it instead of just 'wasting time') Database leaks are impossible as the website is not linked to the actual auth/character databases. We fetch characters and account names to a 4th(API) database that is used for our (Armory, Raid Encounter History, Account History, Character Data/dps,hps,bosses killed,history/). The "SSH" access to our servers is via keys(no key = no entry) as well as behind a hardware firewall that is accessible trough only one IP address (mine). You will rarely see a Game Master ingame, they will only be able to communicate with you trough our website's GM panel (live chat[with player ingame], mail and tickets), only if there is a bigger issue (like bugged encounter, bugged quest..etc) an Administrator will be available in-game to help you out. This way we can prevent gold selling, item adding and 'friend-helping' from happening at 100%. One more thing related to gold selling, we have active logging for trades and mailing of gold. Any mail/trade that contains above 100G will be logged and if happens multiple times to one player (e.g gold buyer) a report will be made for further staff investigation.

Some information about the server (this is just an example, it can be changed if the community wants it differently):

The server will be F R E S H and Progressive. EXP rates are as follows: 1-60 (3x), 61-70(2x), 71-80(1x) and extra 10-30% with the Recruit a Friend bonuses or you can go full #yolo with 1-80(1x) if you are into leveling. Dungeon Finder (not raid browser) will be disabled till we hit patch 3.3x (IcecrownCitadel/FrozenHalls).

The progression is as follows (Dungeons/Raids/Continents): Whenever you kill a end-patch boss, let's say Ragnaros for example - the TBC content will automatically be unlocked next raid reset (or most eventually Sunday) (leveling 60-70), first TBC raids and dungeons. After we hit WoTLK content(3.0x) it will be with bigger delay (~month / month and half) so non-hardcore players can have chance with the upcoming content.

The website will contain A LOT of information (that can be personally disabled if you want to remain anonymous) inside the armory: Bosses killed, Raid History(damage done, healing done, deaths..etc for all raids done by player) as well as Arena equivalent for PvP Players (Damage done, healing done, deaths..etc).

We have fixed major mechanics from 3.3.5 like: Pet reaction/follow distance/angle, NPC fanning and stepping, "Leeway" mechanic, Smooth waypoint movement and some other (lost in commit history), video previews of it you can find here, some of these 'mechanics' are with 'guessed' values, that means they are not blizzlike for sure as we haven't played retail WoTLK nor any private server that has this fixed properly so any help with it would be highly appreciated!

Information about our code.

Our "core" is based on TrinityCore (e.g we have forked trinity and removed some unnecessary/for us/ stuff like the grahps, bnet implementation, rbac and some other stuff) and merged every good thing from SunwellCore, AzerothCore, MythCore and some other github forks. We DO keep credits, if a fix is taken from somewhere (e.g TrinityCore) the appropriate credits will be given. It took us nearly an year to merge, fix and rewrite a lot of stuff in order to make it the perfect and "better than others" solution out here.

Player Protection/Security

We have taken all necessary steps in order to improve our protection and your account security. When you register your data will be sent trough SSL connection to our server so your sent information is encrypted and 'hidden' from others till it reaches us. When our servers receive your information your account will be made and your password will be hashed via the SHA1 method, you can optionally have 2FA login (temp code authentication) same as on other big pservers. Update: Seems that we missed IP/Country locking, which means that you can lock your account to be accessed ONLY from YOUR IP address or Country.


Discord: https://discord.gg/dYYusRg

Web: http://www.balnazzar.com/ - Accounts WILL be purged as this is a temporary server.

I might have missed something, I'll eventually update this post. Thank you for reading my post, best regards!