Project Arthas:
Release Date:
Client Pre-Download available for Windows and Mac:
- After almost 5 years of Development experience Monster-WoW Team try to bring back an other Epic Gaming experience from the past, this Project named after Arthas, Project Arthas.
Current Progress&Features:
- Dungeon Finder with rewards from Low lvl Dungeons to LvL80 Heroic mode!
- Progressive Content Release(Naxx,Ulduar!->ToC->ICC)
- Wintergrasp,Isle of Conquest and Ring of Valor.
- Scripted Quest in Every Zone and Epic Blizzlike Questlines!
- Pathfinding!
- Active&Passive ant-hack, supported with retail Warden modules.
- High-Performance optimized core, tested with more than 5000 simulated player!
Dungeons(with Dungeon Finder support):(Day 0)
- Every Vanilla,TBC Dungeon
- Ahn'Kahet: The Old Kingdom
- Azjol-Nerub
- Drak'Tharon Keep
- Gundrak
- Halls of Lightning
- Halls of Stone
- The Culling of Stratholme
- The Nexus
- The Oculus
- Utgarde Keep
- Utgarde Pinnacle
- Violet Hold
- Every Vanilla,TBC Raid
- Naxxramas (Day 0)
- Obsidian Sanctum (Day 0)
- The Eye of Eternity (Day 0)
- Ulduar (Day 14)
- Vault of Archavon(became available with Wintergrasp) (Day 7)
Arena Season:
- Season 6 Gear Obtainable from! (Day 7)
Release Date:
Client Pre-Download available for Windows and Mac:
Client Pre-Download available for Windows and Mac: