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Project Ardor | Instant 85 4.3.4 | PvP | Open-Beta


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=== Posted by OMGhixD on 19.03.2017 ===

I know that you guys are waiting patiently for the Release of Our instant 85 PvP Realm. And well! here we are to tell you that we are one step closer to release! As of today the Open-Beta is OVER! Which means that we will use the gathered information and attempt to polish the server to its full potential!

Make sure to keep urself up to date with our latest news to make sure u KNOW when we release!

As for a reward you will recieve a mount which will only be given to ONE character. this will be given upon new character creation when the server goes live.

=== UPDATES Posted by OMGhixD on 26.03.2017 ===

Several Spells were also fixed

- Pyroblast ( Dealing to low damage, now recalculated and recoded )
- Obliterate ( Had a crazy crit issue, now recoded and fixed )
- Rip & Rake ( Was ticking for way to much, this was lowered with some recalculations and is now very blizzlike )

Ardor has recieved many updates througout the past days! these being the following.

Play Time Rewarding System!
When a player stays connected for 3 hours, the player will be rewarded with
150 Honor Points and 25 Arena Points

Beastmaster System
The well known hunter will no longer need to roam the world to find a suiteable pet. They can now visit the local Beastmaster NPC located next to the runeforge where they will get a various amount of pets to choose from!

Professions Trainer
The Professions trainer is rather self explaining but here we go! it lets you learn whatever profession of your desire and it gives u that profession you choose with max skills!

Field o'Bot 4000 has also been added to the game!
This is a small Robot which sells everything you would need within reagents for ur class. Example : Ankh, corpse dust and poisons! It sells at a quantity of 200 each click so dont be shy!

VIP / MVP Updates

VIPs can now use an Exclusive NPC within the transmogrification mall which will grant you any item of desire for Transmogrification with a simple item ID! find the ID paste it in and Wollah! the item will appear in your bag ready for you to Transmog it!
Release Date

As an official announcement, the release date will be 13th April. 18:00 GMT+1 time.

More updates to come! Stay tuned Ardors!


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As a neat feature to our server we have made a system very alike to what you got during Battlegrounds in Warlords of Draenor. But with our 'WorkAround' of course!

As a Battleground finishes the Server will choose a random player from each Faction (Not ALWAYS)
to Reward them with a Strongbox/Ironbox, This box Contains a Wintergrasp Commendation which rewards the player with 150 Honor Points.

possibly the most neat thing about this is that there is a 1 % drop chance of the Reins of the Spectral Tiger to drop to a Random Player. So feel luck if you get it! Its just a percentage, An epic version can also be dropped but this is only in the StrongBox/IronBox but this Drop chance is only 0.1%

We have also reworked some of the Pet Movements to where if you are further away from your pet the pet gains more speed to catch up to its owner ( this is obviously not active in PvP )

We have also implemented a new NPC named "Arena Ladder" Which pretty much shows the ladder progression of the servers Arena 2v2 and 3v3 Teams.

Rated Battleground System was also fixed in this update and should be fully functional and working.

Theres also coming a new NPC to the game. No other than the Title Rewarded. With this NPC you can once again take usage of the neat titles which was given upon XX amount of Honorable kills back in Vanilla WoW
Heres the List:
10 Honor Kills = Private-Scout
100 Honor Kills = Corperal-Grunt
500 Honor Kills = Seargant-Seargant
1000 Honor Kills = Master Seargant-Senior Seargant
2500 Honor Kills = Seargant Major-First Seargant
3000 Honor Kills = Knight-Stone Guard
5000 Honor Kills = Knight-Lieutenant-Blood Guard
8000 Honor Kills = Knight-Captain-Legionnaire
10000 Honor Kills = Knight-Champion-Centurion
20000 Honor Kills = Lieutenant Commander-Champion
30000 Honor Kills = Commander-Lieutenant General
40000 Honor Kills = Marshal-General
50000 Honor Kills = Field Marshal-Warlord
60000 Honor Kills = Grand Marshal-High Warlord
100000 Honor Kills = Both factions get The Insane title.

We hope you guys are eager to play and we are gonna continue to push updates like this. The server releases the 13th of April so be ready to fight your enemies in the battlegrounds of Ardor!


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Latest Database Logs

-- Assuming these NPCs should be friendly to both factions

-- Assuming these NPCs all are warrior class (no need to mana or energy)

-- Quite a few NPC entries in creature_addon that are not in creature

-- Linked traps can not be the same object

-- remove non-existent spell from proc event

-- Spell groups not defined in core are > XXXX; using next id

-- Class Trainers should be just that

-- Gameobject (207520) Maplewood Treasure Chest Lock fix

-- Who needs Kael'thas Sunstrider in Magisters' Terrace??

-- Halfus Wyrmbreaker fix

-- Giant Fire Scorpion fix

-- Scripts need not be assigned to 10N, 25N, 10H, or 25H NPCs

-- AI Scripts need not be assigned to 10N, 25N, 10H, or 25H NPCs

-- removed heroic assignments from heroic npcs


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https://twitter.com/ProjectArdor Twitter now Available!

- - - Updated - - -

Thread Updated With a neat new Thread Design

Changes Done to Pet AI

Movement [Walking] Was improved dramatically and is now more Blizz-like.

Fighting has been Improved and pet should now appear/work more Blizz-like

An Exploit with the Pet AI should now have been Resolved.

The Attack Distance Recieved Blizz-like Values and is now working.


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Fixed Crash Issues
Resolved an issue in regards of certain functionalities didnt save properly
Fixed Flags not showing in The Battle for Gilneas [MAP]
Fixed Disconnection issues
Added LoS Objects in Duel Zone
New Mall (Bigger, brighter and more user-friendly)
New transmogrification mall (in proccess)
Mirror Images fixed and much more!
Many additional fixes towards the blizzlike environment. This is also regarding spells, talents and glyphs
The new core is live! An Improved Ardor saw daylight just now. Feel free to login and play!


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CHANGELOG [17/04/2017] V0.7

- Fixed multiple memory leaks including; OnUpdate, Map Grid, Guid delete and decreased loading guids at once (improves diff)

- Improved Pet AI. Player pets will now synchronize with player movement to prevent stop-and-go movement.

- Fixed Sanctuary where players still had sanctuary flag when left neutral zones.

- Fixed Mirror images, mirror images glpyh will now cast correct spells depending on mages specialization.

- Improved 3v3 soloqueue, now will correctly show blizzlike MMR values and other improvements to GUI.

- Improved Arena spectator, allow players to use Arena spectator addon.​


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Changelog [23.04.2017] V0.8

-Fixed Delay System, spells are no longer delayed.

-Fixed Disengage, hunters will now leap backwards instead of forwards.

-Fixed Improved Hamstring, hamstring will now correctly GCD.

-Fixed Eye for an eye, now causes damage to enemy (hidden aura as blizzlike)

-Fixed Frenxied Regeneration, now buffs your HP accordinly.

-Fixed Guardian Ancient, will no longer attack its owner upon switching, and

-fixed correct melee attack range (blizzlike)

-Fixed Ring of frost, will no longer attack you.

-Fixed EffectLeapBack, completely re writed the system and fixes multiple spells.

-Enabled Soloqueue 3v3.