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[PrivateCore] Power-Legion Community Project | Alpha


Verified Member

Power-Legion is a community development: therefore requires some patience about this project.

Because we know very well that it is very much work in the terms of this expansion, however we want to offer as much as possible a close game version of blizzard.
That's so we know that many think it is not worth to invest their time in a private server legion because it is already blizzard, but we also know that a private server is always welcome as long as it is free2play.
It worked very hard on this server and still work a lot further, so we can give true experience of Legion.
Our community is non-profit, but we need your support in what consists your contribution to help our community to develop better and faster.
Many of you will think that what we do is we want to make money on the back of the server, but it is not true that we actually follow is that we want to create a beautiful community.

Q: Many of you may ask: Why should we contribute with donations for a new server?
A:The answer is: We want to support us with your contribution because in this time, any developer does not want to work for free.
Q: Is your project, why not pay yourself developers?
A: Because I can not always invest money in this project, I have family, I have duties to fulfill, so i will investing money as I can afford.
Q: Why did you start this project unless you have money to pay developers?
A: A minimum investment is, but I can not afford to pay many developers, and to do the job to run very well we must have very good developers,and to have very good developers we need money ,for this reason we appeal to your help.
Q: What are the benefits, if i help the community with donations?
A:You will benefit from:Server/Forum Donator Rank,you will have access to several orders during the entire testing(ex:flay,speed,additems,add gold,morph,leveup,learn,character customize,character rename,reset cooldown,morph etc)
After launching the server online, you will receive VIP another 2 months,2 mounts,50000 gold,free heirloms items; and much more.

More info about Developing Info; HERE
