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Private Server Service WoW


Verified Member
Entire's Private Server Service.

Today I have decided to make a private server service. The prices can get discussed through PM or skype, but it'll be cheap.

Anyways, back to the topic.


● Compile - TrinityCore, 3.3.5 & 4.3.4, SkyFire (4.0.6), ArkCore (4.0.6) (INCLUDES Database setup), working Worldserver & Authserver
● Website Setup. (WoW - CMS)
● Console/Emulator Error fixing, (worldserver & authserver.)
● Basic DBC, make zone too neutral, example.
● Basic Scripting in TrinityCore & SkyFire & ArkCore. -I cannot provide you a fully script, only some basic error fixing on the script.
● Basiclly doing stuff in database for you, items, npc's, that basic stuff. & SQL Queries if needed.
● Server public, with Hamachi.
● Core Edits.
● WoW Info, by that I mean questions and such.
● Fixing errors on your console, (worldserver) - db errors or such.
● Add a C++ script into your core.
And a lot more, we can discuss that by the way.

The Prices:

I'm trying to balance the prices and making it as fair as possible FOR US BOTH. I do not want a very overrated price. I will not go tell you what I charge for it, because we'll discuss a fair price for it. But you can except, I'm not going to charge that much for the stuff. I'll be doing some packages where I'm offering, server installing/compiling, website installation, add some c++ scripts into your core if needed, basic db stuff and so on. But by the way, I'm sure we can find out a fair price together! I might want atleast 30-50% before I start, as I have been scammed lots of times. And I hate that, but again we'll figure it out!

Requirements of the Service: 
● Patient
● Understanding I can't be on 24/7, and I'll be offline sometimes aswell, but I'll do my best, to help you out, by any time.

When you buy/pay for my service, I except you to be understandable (of course it can depends.)
● I'm not by any way responsible if you fucked up your server, and claim me for doing it. (which I obviously wouldn't.) But I can take the time to help you out.
● When you use this service, you agree with you use this for your personal risk.
● Must accept that I want 30-50% before we start.

Contact Information:

Ways to contact me:
You can add my skype: entire.entire1
You can send me a PM here on EmuCoach, with good information.
Or you can post it bellow.

Thanks for reading my thread, even if you're not going to use my service.

Please try to keep my thread, as clean as possible. I except some bad comments, however try to do it at a fair 'level' for us all.

Number of people who have found this interresting, and contacted me so far:

Do we get something else, by using your service?:
Well I'll be active and by purchasing my service, I'll help you in the future aswell, if you randomly gets in big troubles, I'll help you out. When you used my service once, you can always contact me again, and I'll be more than happy to assist you out. If it's advanced stuff, or stuff which takes some time, I might charge money for it, but It will be cheaper, otherwise it will be a free extra gift. I wont be online 24/7, but I'll be online atleast/almost every day, but I cannot be 100% sure I'll get on every single day, if something shit happens irl.

If you need a proof of my skills, or video anything, please let me know. But if you need, then please come with details what I should do.