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Porting MoP/WoD mounts to Cataclysm


Silver Supporter
Hello everyone,

I know it might seem like a stupid question, but I see a lot of tutorials explaining how to port Cata/MoP/WoD mounts to WotLK, since, as I understand it (I may be wrong), the game engine is not the same and the models have to be converted in order to work with WotLK. However, I haven't found a single thread on how to import the MoP/WoD mounts into Cataclysm, and I have no idea whether the process is the same as for WoTLK, or if it is more straightforward. So, I would be grateful if someone could explain me how it works, and how I can import those mounts into my Cataclysm repack, or send me the link to some tutorial.

Thank you for your time and help! :)