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Playing in LAN


Gold Supporter

Sorry if it is a noob question. I have installed the 4.3.4 and managed to make it work. Thanks for the excellent repack.

However, I would like to play with friends and family (do not want to open it to public). Is it possible to change any configuration so that a group of people sharing the same internet can play the game together?



Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Hi thelorian,

It's been two weeks, so you may have figured this out by now... Explore the forums, there's a wealth of info here! :)

That said, I'm pretty new here myself and I've fumbled around getting my home LAN working so we can have family game nights. With your mysql server running, if you open SQLyog or HeidiSQL(my favorite) you can connect to your mysql server and set the IP address of your repack server in the emucoach-auth db/container, and open the Realmlist table. You should see one row that has and a friendly name as well. Just add another row and add your server IP and another friendly name. The server is the computer your running the repack from; when you launch mysql, authserver.exe, and worldserver.exe... that's your server. So get the LAN IP address assigned to that computer and that's the IP address you'll want to add to your realmlist.

Next, each WoW client on your home network/LAN needs to set their client realmlist to "exclusively" include that same IP address. You can not have more than one server listed in here, so remove any other server dns entry or IP address and only have your LAN server IP in there. That way when the client loads, it looks for your LAN Authserver, and everybody can get logged in.

If I'm missing something, I'll add links later. I know there are better instructions on the boards here someplace.

Best of luck to you,