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Player starting items for 3.3.5a WOTLK servers


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# Players Start With, 4 Portable Hole.
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_item` (`race`, `class`, `itemid`, `amount`) VALUES (0, 0, 51809, 4);

# Players Start With, 20 Refreshing Spring Water.
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_item` (`race`, `class`, `itemid`, `amount`) VALUES (0, 0, 159, 20);

# Players Start With, 1 Reins of the Spectral Tiger.
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_item` (`race`, `class`, `itemid`, `amount`) VALUES (0, 0, 49283, 1);

# Players Start With, 1 Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal.
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_item` (`race`, `class`, `itemid`, `amount`) VALUES (0, 0, 21176, 1);

# Players Start With, 1 Unhatched Mr. Chilly.
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_item` (`race`, `class`, `itemid`, `amount`) VALUES (0, 0, 41133, 1);

# Players Start With, 1 Cat Carrier (Calico Cat).
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_item` (`race`, `class`, `itemid`, `amount`) VALUES (0, 0, 46398, 1);

# Players Start With, 1 Pandaren Monk.
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_item` (`race`, `class`, `itemid`, `amount`) VALUES (0, 0, 49665, 1);

# Players Start With, 1 Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw).
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_item` (`race`, `class`, `itemid`, `amount`) VALUES (0, 0, 8494, 1);

# Players Start With, 1 Minor Healing Potion.
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_item` (`race`, `class`, `itemid`, `amount`) VALUES (0, 0, 118, 20);

# Players Start With, 1 Harvest Fruit.
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_item` (`race`, `class`, `itemid`, `amount`) VALUES (0, 0, 19994, 20);

# Players Start With, 1 Holiday Spirits.
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_item` (`race`, `class`, `itemid`, `amount`) VALUES (0, 0, 17196, 20);

# Players Start With, 1 Reins of the Rusted Proto-Drake.
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_item` (`race`, `class`, `itemid`, `amount`) VALUES (0, 0, 45802, 1);