if (!defined('init_executes'))
header('HTTP/1.0 404 not found');
//load the coin activity handler
//load the characters handling class
//load the log class
//load the sendmail class
//prepare the sendmail class
$command = new server_Commands();
//prepare the log
$logs = new purchaseLog();
//levels data
$LevelsData = new LevelsData();
//Setup the finances class
$finance = new AccountFinances();
//prepare multi errors
//bind the onsuccess message
$ERRORS->onSuccess('Your purchase has been successfully delivered.', '/index.php?page=purchase_gold');
$character = (isset($_POST['character']) ? $_POST['character'] : false);
$GoldAmount = (isset($_POST['amount']) ? (int)$_POST['amount'] : false);
//assume the realm is 1 (for now)
$RealmId = $CURUSER->GetRealm();
if (!$character)
$ERRORS->Add("Please select a character first.");
if (!$GoldAmount)
$ERRORS->Add("Please enter the amount of gold you would like to purchase.");
//Verify the gold amount
if ($GoldAmount < 1000)
$GoldAmount = 1000;
//check for the limit
if ($GoldAmount > 100000)
$ERRORS->Add("The maximum that you can purchase is 100,000 gold.");
//Calculate the cost
//get the left overs
$leftOver = $GoldAmount % 1000;
//any left over costs +1 gold coin
if ($leftOver > 0)
$GoldAmount -= $leftOver;
$GoldAmount += 1000;
//calculate the price
$price = $GoldAmount / 1000;
######### CHECK FINANCES #############
//check if the user has enough balance
if ($BalanceError = $finance->CheckBalance())
if (is_array($BalanceError))
//insufficient amount
foreach ($BalanceError as $currency)
$ERRORS->Add("You do not have enough " . ucfirst($currency) . " Coins.");
//technical error
$ERRORS->Add('Error, the website failed to verify your account balance.');
## The actual script begins here
//construct the characters handler
$chars = new server_Character();
//start logging
$logs->add('PSTORE_GOLD', 'Starting log session. Using currency: Gold Coins, Amount of Purchase: '.$GoldAmount.', selected realm: '.$RealmId.'.', 'pending');
//set the realm
if ($chars->setRealm($RealmId))
//check if the character belongs to this account
if ($chars->isMyCharacter(false, $character))
//send the gold
$sentGold = $command->sendMoney($character, ($GoldAmount * 10000), 'In-Game Gold Delivery', $RealmId);
//check if any of the actions have failed and log it
if ($sentGold !== true)
$logs->update(false, 'The website failed to execute the send money command and returned: '.$sentGold.'.', 'error');
$ERRORS->Add("The website failed to deliver your purchase. Please contact the administration.");
else //check if one of those actions was successful
//charge for the purchase
$Charge = $finance->Charge("In-Game Gold", CA_SOURCE_TYPE_PURCHASE);
if ($Charge === true)
//update the log
$logs->update(false, 'The user has been charged for his purchase.', 'ok');
//update the log
$logs->update(false, 'The user was not charged for his purchase, website failed to update.', 'error');
//free up some memory
//check for fatal errors before proceeding to the complete page
$ERRORS->Add("The selected character does not belong to this account.");
$logs->update(false, 'The user is trying to purchase gold for character from another account.', 'error');
$ERRORS->Add("The website failed to load realm database. Please contact the administration for more information.");
$logs->update(false, 'The website failed to load realm database.', 'error');