Account Creation: (http://www.wow-scape.com)
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How To Connect Guide: ( [http://www.privategamingnetwork.com/index.php?/topic/2-how-to-play-connect-mists-of-pandaria/)
Server Information

Welcome, Gamers, Flamers, Haters, and everyone in-between we offer here at PGN the best game play possible, as we are the only company that will provide a 5.4.8 client base with fully working PvP and PvE Mists of Pandaria end game content.
Here is a wonderful list of the things that will change the way you play world of warcraft private servers over at Private Gaming Network.
1. Growing Community
2.Stable Core (GNOME EMU)
4.Scripted Temple of the Jade Serpent
5.Active 5.4.7 Content (Siege Of Orgrimmar, Black Market, MoP Dungeons)
6.Dedicated Staff & Uptime (No char wipes)
7.Server Transfers (Any Server! Molten, Heroes-WoW, Arena-Source)
8.Ten Man Dev team to fix any errors in-game
9.VIP System
10.Finished duel system
* Gate of the Setting Sun 90%
* Mogu'shan Palace 90%
* Scarlet Halls 90%
* Scarlet Monastery 100%
* Scholomance 100%
* Shado-Pan Monastery 100%
* Siege of Niuzao Temple 100%
* Stormstout Brewery 100%
* Temple of the Jade Serpent 100%
*This Server is using a 10gb Core. Yes thats right! Our core is 10gb worth of fixes, that's 10% of what blizzard's core is sized at (100gb)