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Percentages page

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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A lot of servers have general percentages for their quests/dungeons, etc, but only a few servers actually have percentages for each area.
It would be awesome if there was a page dedicated to showing percentages based on how much the area works compared to how many bugs are in it.
It's obviously understandable if the percentages aren't exact, and I'd expect them to be basically on the top of your head, or if there is a way to get a closer estimate, then it'd be based off that, unless its too much work to do that for each individual area.

An example would be:

Eastern Kingdoms:
[*]Dun Morogh - 90%
[*]Loch Modan - 85%
[*]Western Plagueland - 60%

These percentages are made up, of course, but with something like this, a lot of people could be made happy.
The percentages could be based off of the vip/current version, or the current public version, either one, however percentages for the vip version might encourage people to buy it more often, since they'd have a general estimate of what they're putting their money into if they're doubting this repack's potential.
For me, as I already know this repack is the best I've seen, especially with the continued development of it, I would love to have a percentages page just so I know how far the repack is, what areas to avoid when questing, etc.

A really good place to put the percantages link would be at the top of the forum, with the others tabs (Forum, New Posts, Donate, Sponsored Topsite), that way it'd be pretty easy to see, so when people first come here they can check out the progress of it.


Senior User
Something like that would work, it looks good as well. I was originally thinking of having everything just printed out in text, but that one works nicely.
Are you thinking of making something like that?

We are planning on keeping it updated. I designed it myself to get the most out of it :)

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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World Martial Arts Championships
We are planning on keeping it updated. I designed it myself to get the most out of it :)

Wait is this for the emucoach repack? If so, then I'm glad there is already a percentages page and I'll be checking it out quite often.
If this is for the repack, why isn't it advertised so people can see it? I'm guessing because it's not fully done yet?