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Trial Member
Hello guys, I'm preparing for a huge upcoming WotLK project, it's not started yet.

I'm looking for someone who's eligible to work with me as partners as many of you know "one hand can't clap", We'll be helping each others with everything related to the server as development, management, recruiting ..etc

All what i need from you to be professional enough to handle the server with me, being serious and have the passion to work, not lazy as most of people i dealt with.

We'll be taking our time working on the server, no rush at all to ensure that everything is well made as we need.

Fixed information about the project:-

  1. Core: TrinityCore
  2. Expansion: 3.3.5a
  3. Server type: Custom PvP/PvE mixed together
Rest of information will be based on a survey made to see what most of players like/dislike.

Server stages:-

  • Development Stage
  • BETA stage (making sure that everything is okay)
  • Release

I'll pay for everything needed such as hosting, domain ..etc unless you want to help with this part.

if you're interested add me on discord: MiDo#7805 or PM me here on emucoach
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