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ParadoxWOW 3.3.5a - Looking for Beta Testers, GMS & Developers


Trial Member
What is ParadoxWOW?.
ParadoxWOW Is a server that strives to deliver you the most blizzlike gameplay you'll ever find.
To be sure we can accomplish this we need Beta testers, GMS, And developers. To help us achieve the best of the best!

What would I get for helping?.

You will receive invitations to private events. Such as in-game giveaways to trusted members.
You'll also be able to join the development realm. And will get 100VP and 50DP Monthly.

Open spots

Beta testers: 5
GMS: 2
Developers: 2

What are the requirements?

Beta tester:
You need to be 15 years or older.
You need to know how WOW Works.


You need to be 17 years or older.
You need to have experience in administration.
You need to be professional at all time.


You need to be 17 years or older.
You need to have experience in administration.
You need to be professional at all time.
You need to know SQL Or C++

Contact Information:
Email: baskruithof75@gmail.com
Skype: baskruithof999

Please bare. I may not reply instantly!
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