Hi I’m looking for 2 particularly scripts to be made.
1. We have custom spells wich give a X% of extra spell power this spell uses the following effect; SPELL_AURA_MOD_DAMAGE_PERCENT_DONE now we need this spells bonus spell power to be applied to the bonus damage in the character sheet this is a visual bug only the skills get stronger.
2. Create a custom script that implementes the loot a rang for 3.3.5 .https://www.wowhead.com/spell=84342/loot-a-rang#comments
olease let me know if you’re interested in making 1 of these 2 script and what you’d ask for it
1. We have custom spells wich give a X% of extra spell power this spell uses the following effect; SPELL_AURA_MOD_DAMAGE_PERCENT_DONE now we need this spells bonus spell power to be applied to the bonus damage in the character sheet this is a visual bug only the skills get stronger.
TrinityCore/src/server/game/Spells/Auras/SpellAuraEffects.cpp at 3.3.5 · TrinityCore/TrinityCore
TrinityCore Open Source MMO Framework (master =, 3.3.5 = 3.3.5a.12340, cata classic = - TrinityCore/TrinityCore
2. Create a custom script that implementes the loot a rang for 3.3.5 .https://www.wowhead.com/spell=84342/loot-a-rang#comments
olease let me know if you’re interested in making 1 of these 2 script and what you’d ask for it
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