Mission of https://www.wowhead.com/quest=26309/dark-vessels
does not give me the NPC Fraggar Thunderman in the Hinterlands.
That one of the rewards is that of sandrene's invisible doublet. This mission is given when you complete the mission of:
2.- Mission of https://www.wowhead.com/quest=13343/mystery-of-the-infinite-redux
Problem: The Npc is not the problem it is the mission mechanics
the mechanics is to take out the Npc that gives the mission, it takes out a reflection of you (past) and it should bring some dragons, but these dragons never come close.
3.- Location: Gilneas, Faction: Alliance, Race: Worgen, Gender: Female (so far only tested gender)
Name: You can't Finish them, type: Mission.
Description of the problem: The barrels are thrown at the Horrid Abomination
and these are being placed on the head of the Character when they should not be like that and not gives the option to throw them after their respective duration.
How it should work: They must be launched as indicated by the mission by giving a green marker where you can aim at the objective set by the player.
This is what is happening:
Mission of https://www.wowhead.com/quest=26309/dark-vessels
does not give me the NPC Fraggar Thunderman in the Hinterlands.
That one of the rewards is that of sandrene's invisible doublet. This mission is given when you complete the mission of:

All That Skitters
Collect 8 Skittering Spiderlings in Jintha'Alor. A level 10 The Hinterlands Quest. Rewards . Added in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Always up to date.

2.- Mission of https://www.wowhead.com/quest=13343/mystery-of-the-infinite-redux
Problem: The Npc is not the problem it is the mission mechanics
the mechanics is to take out the Npc that gives the mission, it takes out a reflection of you (past) and it should bring some dragons, but these dragons never come close.

3.- Location: Gilneas, Faction: Alliance, Race: Worgen, Gender: Female (so far only tested gender)
Name: You can't Finish them, type: Mission.

You Can't Take 'Em Alone
Use the Black Gunpowder Kegs to blow up 4 Horrid Abominations. A level 1 Gilneas Quest. +250 reputation with Gilneas. Added in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.

Horrid Abomination
Horrid Abomination is a level 6 - 9 Elite NPC that can be found in Gilneas. In the NPCs category. Added in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Always up to date.

How it should work: They must be launched as indicated by the mission by giving a green marker where you can aim at the objective set by the player.
This is what is happening:

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