Orthodox WoW | 15xp rate | 3.3.5a
Hello People !
About Server:
>We decided to start a new server named Orthodox WoW.
>Client 3.3.5a.
>PvE , PvP , Arenas and much more !
-We're working on improving the Arena experience even more than currently possible, such as Line of Sight and pathing.
-Raids and dungeons will be released in the correct order, so that players will actually have to go through them all.
Regular dungeons on heroic (ItemLevel 200) Will be released together with;
Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum and Eye of Eternity.
Ulduar will be released alone.
Trial of the Champion will be released with;
Trial of the Crusader.
Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and The Halls of Reflection will be released correspondingly with;
Icecrown Citadel first wing. We will continue to open one wing after the other at an appropriate pace.
Ruby Sanctum will be released alone, when deemed fit.
All 70-79 normal dungeons will be solo-able,
The heroic version of dungeons can be soloed by a geared and skilled player, but recommended for 2-3 players. (3 player cap)
10 man raids will be scaled to 5 man (Includes heroic for the raids with such option)
25 man raids will be scaled to 10 man (Includes heroic for the raids with such option)
-Leveling rates - 15x
-Profession rates - 10x
Click to Join us! http://orthodox.no-ip.org
If you have any questions or suggestions type them as a comment
Also we are looking for skilled developers!
Hello People !
About Server:
>We decided to start a new server named Orthodox WoW.
>Client 3.3.5a.
>PvE , PvP , Arenas and much more !
-We're working on improving the Arena experience even more than currently possible, such as Line of Sight and pathing.
-Raids and dungeons will be released in the correct order, so that players will actually have to go through them all.
Regular dungeons on heroic (ItemLevel 200) Will be released together with;
Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum and Eye of Eternity.
Ulduar will be released alone.
Trial of the Champion will be released with;
Trial of the Crusader.
Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and The Halls of Reflection will be released correspondingly with;
Icecrown Citadel first wing. We will continue to open one wing after the other at an appropriate pace.
Ruby Sanctum will be released alone, when deemed fit.
All 70-79 normal dungeons will be solo-able,
The heroic version of dungeons can be soloed by a geared and skilled player, but recommended for 2-3 players. (3 player cap)
10 man raids will be scaled to 5 man (Includes heroic for the raids with such option)
25 man raids will be scaled to 10 man (Includes heroic for the raids with such option)

-Leveling rates - 15x
-Profession rates - 10x
Some Server Rules:
- No Botting
- No Hacking
- Spamming and Harassment will not be tolerated
- No Advertisements at all!
- We didn't decide about multi boxing yet![]()
Click to Join us! http://orthodox.no-ip.org
If you have any questions or suggestions type them as a comment
Also we are looking for skilled developers!
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