Welcome to Omnis-World, we are a 3.3.5a custom funserver where you start at level 255. Our realm will initially be PvP oriented with planned PvE content in future updates.
The Omnis staff team values creativity and quality Development. We strive to do our best to create the most enjoyable experience for the 255 community. This means we have put in a lot of effort to ensure this experience and we hope you will share this same experience with us.
We would also like to emphasize that Omnis has zero intention of giving our players any sort of combat advantage through donations. The sole reason for us having a store is because of server fees, tournaments, advertisements and any other server investments we may have. Players can then decide whether or not they want to donate and contribute to the server without feeling obligated to do so - which is an important distinction to us. Our store will solely contain pure cosmetic items, with the one exception being our VIP role that grants you a few benefits (Refer to VIP System/Role). Visuals may range from mounts to world chat icons and to spell visual effects.

Our most important goal is to have balanced environments. There has been a significant focus on balancing classes - a few key elements on how we've accomplished this can be seen on the list below. The full list to our changes can be found here: Changelog
- Giving players 100% crit. This will reduce the rng values vividly.
- Different armor/physical damage reduction categories - e.g. Cloth>Leather>Mail>Plate.
- Blizzlike resistances.
- No spell casts below 1.0s (cds included).
- No melee attack speed below 1.0s, Enhancement Shaman off-hand excluded.
- +1 ability per class where they lack certain tools in particular areas.
- Forcing hybrids to weapon swap in order to heal or deal damage.
- Dividing AP/SP differencials with gems, glyphs, professions and enchants.
- Spell revamps.
^- e.g. Expose Armor, increasing physical damage taken by 5%.
- Healing Tide Totem instead of Mana Tide Totem.
- Water Shield reducing magical damage taken by 10% up to 3 charges.
- Innervate, increasing spell damage by 10%.
- Most importantly, granular spell balancing and resilience calculations.

Note that every spell is based on an existing spell from a future expansion and then modified in certain aspects.
Priest - Shining Force
Rogue - Crimson Vial
Paladin - Rebuke
Druid - Solar Beam
Warlock - Dark Bargain
Warrior - War Banner
Shaman - Capacitor Totem
Death Knight - Asphyxiate
Hunter - Mending Bandage
Mage - Temporal Shield

In Omnis you will have 5 different seasonal gears to progress with. Obtainable through Battlegrounds, World PvP and Arenas.
Every new character will begin with our starting introduction, this introduction will contain Gameplay to familiarise you with certain changes we've made to the class and to introduce you to our story. This is entirely skippable when finished at least once per account. Once finished, you'll be ready to start your PvP journey on Omnis.
- Season 2 obtainable through Honor points and PvP rank/s.
- Season 3 obtainable through Honor points, PvP rank/s and personal BG rating.
- Season 4 obtainable through Arena points and PvP rank/s.
- Season 5 obtainable through Arena team/personal rating, Arena points and PvP rank/s.

During a Seasonal reset there will also be a Gear reset. This entails that every piece of armor will be downgraded back to Season 1, with the exception of Season 5 items. Any item that is downgraded will reward you with a special token. The higher this downgrade was, the higher the amount you will receive in return. This means that if an item of Season 5 was downgraded you would receive more than if it were a Season 4 item. You can use this token to purchase special rewards like titles, visuals & Safe slots - allowing you to safe guard an item from being downgraded. The list of downgrades can be viewed below.
⦁ Season 5 --> Season 2, rewards x tokens
⦁ Season 4 --> Season 1, rewards x tokens
⦁ Season 3 --> Season 1, rewards x tokens
⦁ Season 2 --> Season 1, rewards x tokens
This feature was done to allow newer players to join during early Seasons without being completely overwhelmed where every other player would have BiS items. Allowing for more competitive Gameplay.

- Server hosted Arena Tournaments with prize pools, amount depends on donations received.
- Weekly events, e.g. 1v1 tournaments, 2v2, 3v3, 10v10 premade battlegrounds, All-Star (5v5 1v1).
- In-game store, with a friendly user interface.
- Customly made Transmogrification interface
- Revamped/Custom Professions
- Scaled enchants and gems
- Player vs Player ranks system, obtained through honor kills; World PvP, BG & Arenas.
- Fast Arena Box, allows players to quick start the arena match inside the waiting room by right-clicking the box. Once all players have done so, the match will immediately begin.
- World Chat, allows all players to communicate through a global chat via /world.
- World Chat icons, a player can order a custom icon/avatar for World Chat if approved.
- Customly made Mall.
- Customly made Profession Hub.
- Functioning Auction House, a market for transmogrification items, profession materials/enhancements and more.
- Gold has value and is a thing, can be used for trading, transmogrification items, auction housing and more.
- Custom Mounts from other expansions
- Limited patch size, every +expansion item, creature or spell is carefully selected to make patch size as minimal as possible.
- Racial Swap, a feature that allows you to change your current racial to any other racial within the game.
- Seasonal Arena & Gear resets every x/months. For more info on this, refer to *Gear Resets*
- Minimized teleporting options and flying mounts with a desire to increase player interactions. Our Mall will be the center of everything, with entrances around it to unique maps/zones.

- Exclusive Black Market Vendor, containing items/materials that can be sold/traded to other players or be Auctioned off.
- 5% increased Honor/Arena point rates.
And much more, this is just the start for Omnis-World and we intend to have frequent updates with more content coming your way. We take your feedback very seriously. Polls will be regularely made to receive feedback about certain changes or plans we may have.
If you've read this far, we highly appreciate you. We visualize a friendly community where all that matters to us, are you, the players.
With all of that said, check out our new trailer and feel free to join us for our open Beta during the 9th of August to the 15th where we will cover everything that Omnis currently has to offer!