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oFFmu Season 12 E 2 - x10 Server Opening 30 December


Trial Member


The best PvP/PvE mu online server created and maintained by proffessional developers with a passion for Mu Online. Here you will have the best content on the top of the best hardware.
elcome to the mu online server you have been looking for! You might be asking yourself, why should i join them and what makes them so different than any other of the many servers around? And well, its simple, after many years of developing/balancing and actually playing mu online, we know what we want to accomplish and what we are capable of. We are here to deliver you the best stability and high performance available. Our server is powered by latest IGC Files and we are going to make best of it.

Website: www.offmu.com

Forum: http://community.offmu.com

Registration: www.offmu.com/registration

Downloads: www.offmu.com/downloads

Version: Season 12 Episode 2
Max Level: 400
Max Master Level: 520
Points Per Level: 5/7
All characters from level 1
Item Drop : 50%

Experience Settings
Normal Experience: x10
Master Level Experience: x5
Event Experience: x20

Reset Settings
Reset Level: 400
Max Resets:25
Reset Points: 500
Reset Stats: Yes
Reset Price: 5kk x Reset Count

Grand Reset Settings
Max Grand resets: 5 Resets
Grand Reset Reward 1: 1000 W-Coins
Grand Reset Reward 2: 1000 Reset Coins (hot)


New Map: Nixies Lake
New Sets:Holyangel Mastery Set
New Weapons: Darkangel Weapons
New Class Improvement
New Map Ferea new!
Darkangel Mastery Set new!
Bloodangel Weapon new!
Upgraded Divine Archangel Weapon new!
Character information Window Improvements
New Skills
Elemental System Update
New Socket Items
Socket System Expansion
New&Upgraded Pentagrams
Hunting Log


Nixie Battle Event
Ferea Battle Event
Labyrinth of Dimenstion
Last Man Standing
Lord Silvester Boss
Loren Deep Event
Medusa Event
Santa Claus Event
Raklion of Hatchery Event

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