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General Rules
No spamming to unlock certain content on specefic threads. No posts that makes no sense, "1" "asdasd" etc, just to unlock content. You may show the thread creator you appreciate his release by atleast posting a thank you.
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- If you have issues speaking the language, please use a translator such as google translate!
Do not re-post, if your thread has gotten removed or deleted, there was a reason for it!
- If you're curious as to why your post or thread got deleted, feel free to ask a staff-member.
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Marketplace Rules
Buy and sell on your own risk!
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But if you have been scammed and can provide us with proof please open up a scam report, if enough proof has been provided, the scammer will be permanently suspended from the forums.
Middleman Services!
- Best thing to do for any deal is to get a middleman. If you have issues finding one feel free to PM a staff-member and we will try to assist you in finding one.
If you fail on following any of these rules, you may be banned from Emucoach.
Thank you!
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