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Number of Professions able to be learned


Gold Supporter
I did a search and couldn't find anything on this so..

In the config file there is a option to configure how made professions your can learn .. between 2 and 10. This doesn't actually work work though, if you try to learn more then two professions it will not let you train more.. the train button is grayed out.
You can learn the it manually in the console like 333 for enchanting for example.. then it will let you train it even though you have more then 2. It used to work in 3.3.5 .. i don't now why it doesn't now.

So just in case you want to know, not sure that it matters as it's a issue with the config but... i was playing a Goblin both male and female i tried it on and different classes. It was in the Goblin start area.
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Trial Member
4.0 changed how client handles professions (with the new UI and such), so it's harder than 3.3.5. You can't learn more than 2 professions from trainers, you can however do that with gm commands and it should work afterwards. See: https://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php/320-How-to-learn-more-than-2-professions
Specifically, your example for enchanting seems wrong (you wrote id 333, while it should be 7411) - maybe that's why it didn't work for you?