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- No Hamachi
- Website with forums and Armory
- 30x XpRate
- 15x professions
- Scaled Dungeons no more waiting for people to raid!
- improved Drop Rate
- Custom teleporter! Dont waste time walking! (Unless you want to!)
- Fresh server!
- 24/7 Uptime
- supports 3.3.5a
- Level Cap is 80
- Dedicated Staff online almost 12 hours a day for all your needs!
- Any questions feel free to skype "Dsrogue" @ Zerodown2!
To learn how to play in 3 minutes visit:
- No Hamachi
- Website with forums and Armory
- 30x XpRate
- 15x professions
- Scaled Dungeons no more waiting for people to raid!
- improved Drop Rate
- Custom teleporter! Dont waste time walking! (Unless you want to!)
- Fresh server!
- 24/7 Uptime
- supports 3.3.5a
- Level Cap is 80
- Dedicated Staff online almost 12 hours a day for all your needs!
- Any questions feel free to skype "Dsrogue" @ Zerodown2!
To learn how to play in 3 minutes visit: