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NPC's do not appear for Goblin character


Verified Member
[Location, Faction, Race] Horde, Durotar and Barrens (all of Kalimdor?), Goblin
[Name, Type] Almost all NPC's
[Problem Description] All regular Horde NPC's do not appear, including quest givers/turn-ins, flight masters, guards in Durotar and Northern Barrens. Entering the zone with both an Orc and Tauren character shows all correct NPC's
[How it should work] All NPC's should be visible

Hello, I hope the form properly explains the issue I'm having. I completed the goblin zones, and got to Durotar. Orgrimmar NPC's all seem to be fine, as I got a quest to fly to Razor Hill and turn in there, but when arriving at Razor Hill, there are no visible NPC's except for Noblegarden Merchant and Spring Gatherer. I traveled to Crossroads with this same Goblin character and again am unable to see any NPC's. When I log into my Orc warrior in Razor Hill, the NPC's all show as expected. I also brought a Tauren Paladin to Razor Hill and all NPC's are visible.

Edit: Upon further inspection, it appears as though I had not completed the very final quest at The Lost Isles, and when I teleported back to the isles, completed that quest (Quest ID 25251, "Final Confrontation") and returned to Durotar, all NPC's spawn correctly now.

Thank you!
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I'm glad you solved it! That was my first thought as well - that you missed an important quest :)