Here are a few but small fixes to improve quality of game-play.
Caverns of Time:
Two NPCs were missing mounts, this should fix the issue.
Swamp of Sorrows:
The spiders were holding some weapon for a random reason. This should fix the issue.
I've provided a few queries that almost fixes this creature. The creature is supposed to be under the sand laying down (I think) and not attackable or aggroable. I've fixed both attackable and aggroable part but couldn't figure out the laying down part. Here's a picture for reference (
All these fixes should correct issues for v10 4.3.4.
Caverns of Time:
Two NPCs were missing mounts, this should fix the issue.
-- Fix mount appearnce for Stratholme Resident Specimen (Credits:
UPDATE `creature_addon` SET `mount`=14583, `auras`=34712 WHERE `guid` IN (45510,67325)
Swamp of Sorrows:
The spiders were holding some weapon for a random reason. This should fix the issue.
-- Fix Sorrow Spinner holding a weapon.
UPDATE `creature_equip_template` SET `itemEntry1`='0' WHERE `entry`=858 AND `id`=1;
I've provided a few queries that almost fixes this creature. The creature is supposed to be under the sand laying down (I think) and not attackable or aggroable. I've fixed both attackable and aggroable part but couldn't figure out the laying down part. Here's a picture for reference (
-- Decrepit Watcher - 47546
UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType`='0' WHERE `guid`=501727;
UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType`='0' WHERE `guid`=501728;
UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType`='0' WHERE `guid`=501729;
-- Decrepit Watcher - 47546 Thanks to Ovahlord
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `InhabitType`= 4, `flags_extra`= 2 WHERE `entry`= 47546;
-- Can't select/attack Decrepit Watcher
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `unit_flags`='33554432' WHERE `entry`=47546;
All these fixes should correct issues for v10 4.3.4.