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Not new here, but have a question about rules


Verified Member
Been a member since 2014. Have not spent much time here, because I, well, not really sure. Anyways, I wanted to know if I would get in trouble showing off my scripts.

The reason I am asking is simple. I have 50+ scripts in a repository. They all work nicely together because of a prepatch. This means they won't conflict when patching. I have been doing this since September 2007 and my collection of scripts is always up-to-date and the number of scripts is growing.

These scripts are free.... sort of. I have been doing this awhile, and the cost of renting a dedicated server for the repo, and my realm, is inexpensive, but not free. I am disabled, and really don't have much of a life, but my income is extremely limited, so I started charging a 1-time access fee of $10 to access all my scripts. Any new scripts added are accessible with no extra costs. its just a one time fee. I update constantly, add new scripts all the time, and even added a few scripts from other people (Like Rochet2, who is a scripting genius) so that they work with my prepatch.

so am I permitted to post info on these scripts? I have posted info on 1, and so far no one has yelled at me, but I want to make sure. I got booted from another site and all my posts from the past 10 years were removed because I switched to charging for access.

Thanks for this awesome site.

- LordPsyan



Welcome back in that case.

Honestly you are free to showing off your scripts for your 10$ access on your repository without the requirement of it having to be free.
It might even inspire and get people interested.

In my opinion it doesn't harm in any way, it's fully up to the individual user if he would like to purchase access or not so you are more than welcome to showing off your scripts on the forum.
We are not as strict regarding these things as the site you are refering to (ac-...), you have another freedom here.

And if you have ideas, suggestions, anything that doesn't make sense on the forum/we can improve, you are always welcome to speak up.



Verified Member
Thanks. I appreciate that, and I also appreciate you taking the time to reply. Not many admins do that anymore. I will try my best to help :)
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