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No local address in sql database


Gold Supporter
I started a MoP server and am having problems connecting to it locally.

Windows 10 VM ip
Created ddns of XXXXX.ddns.net and set that as the address in the sql realmlist and clients realmlist. Had some weird issues at first with authserver showing a different public but is working now and my friends can connect to the server over the internet without issue.

The problem is I cannot connect my LAN, I edited the host file so that xxxxx.ddns.net and set the ddns address in my client relamlist and the sever seems to authenticate but wont connect to the worldserver. In my testing I set the local IP in the realmlist and I could connect without issue.

I believe the fix would be to have the address as it is now with the ddns address and the local address to the local IP of the server. The problem is that there is no local address in the sql database like there is in my CATA server. I added the columns and basically mimicked my CATA settings but it doesn't appear that it would be that easy.