Hi there. I use this Repack and meet some problems. Actually, its a trouble with connect to server.
WorldSocket::handle_input_header(): client (account: 1, char [GUID: 0, name: <none>]) sent malformed packet (size: 32899, cmd: 1189164203)
Like said in F.A.Q i try to delete ssleay and libeay dll files. And get errors. Server need them to run. Then i trying to replace this dll's with files from F.A.Q. And get error 0xc000007b. Dunno, what to do. Hope u can give me answers. Thanks!
UPD: I was made some research and found: 0xc000007b errors appears, if ssleay.dll and libeay.dll do not match; it happens if x32 and x64 files mixed. Any solutions? I am trying both to put x32 or x64 dll's to server, but, still the same. x86 do not connect. x64 - error. Maybe its cuz core created at x86 Visual, and i don't see any way to avoid it at my x64.
WorldSocket::handle_input_header(): client (account: 1, char [GUID: 0, name: <none>]) sent malformed packet (size: 32899, cmd: 1189164203)
Like said in F.A.Q i try to delete ssleay and libeay dll files. And get errors. Server need them to run. Then i trying to replace this dll's with files from F.A.Q. And get error 0xc000007b. Dunno, what to do. Hope u can give me answers. Thanks!
UPD: I was made some research and found: 0xc000007b errors appears, if ssleay.dll and libeay.dll do not match; it happens if x32 and x64 files mixed. Any solutions? I am trying both to put x32 or x64 dll's to server, but, still the same. x86 do not connect. x64 - error. Maybe its cuz core created at x86 Visual, and i don't see any way to avoid it at my x64.
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