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Night Owl or Early Bird?


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I remember when I was younger I always used to have problems with sleeping and at one point I did unfortunately suffer with insomnia so I did spend a lot of time awake on a night and sleeping during the day. Luckily now I do not have that problem and I tend to sleep a lot better now and I am awake all day however I have always been somewhat of a night owl.

I don't know what it is but I love the calm and the quiet on a night and not having to worry about anything and just being able to do things without being interrupted.

Are you more of a night owl or an early bird?


Veteran Member
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I am 100% a night owl. I love my night times where I can just relax, browse the internet and watch TV without being disturbed and having to worry about anything. Only downside about me being a night owl is that I can never sleep past 9am the following morning so I only tend to get a few hours sleep at a time. I seem to function good on that though.


Verified Member
100% a early bird. I have no problems waking up early for college, which is at 7AM 3 days a week. For the other 5 days of the week, I usually get up around 7-8AM which is considered early because most stay in bed until 10-11AM. I like to get up early and plan my day.
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