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[Other] Newest V2 bugs from V1


Veteran Member
First of all thx for all fixes has been done since V1. There is a visible improvement with playerbots combats, movement, arena, flex raid, and playerbots tanks finally use defs !
But I would like to point out some bugs persisting since V1 or newest with incoming of V2, not to criticize but on the contrary to improve the repack.
  • First there is a new bug in V2 located with playerbots on thunder island, it's like they don't recognize the map and can't correctly follow the player, they appear and disappear constantly don't attack and no heal. That didn't happen in V1.
  • There is a new frustrating bug with playerbots trinkets, now playerbots use aleatory trinkets that decrease their gameplay perform ex: Classes Tank use intel and spirit, heal use stamina, agi dps use strenght and intell. It's totally bugged and that won't happen on V1.
  • There is still persisting bug from v1 with battleground reward, after a win you should obtain 150 conquest point for 1st daily and 75 for others, actually it gives you only 45 conquest for every win.
  • Playerbots miss some importants / decisive spells class in their rotation ex : paladin dps miss templar verdict, rogue don't use any poison, warrior and dk don't execute/finisher... etc. This issue compiled with the new trinket bug is weakening strongly your playerbot raid/party.
  • Playerbots (heal and dps) still don't use life regeneration or def cd for survive.
  • There is still no playerbots heal specialization using battlegroung lfg.
  • Not a huge bug, but 10C10 rated battleground with playerbots still don't work.
These bugs are the most relevant and awkward to explore the entire game experience. In addition, they can't be fixed without source access so I've to post it here. Hope some fixes will be applied.

Thx again for your work