Senior User
- 344
- 2014
- 13
The X-Treme in the title got your attention, éh? This repack should fit yo needs and hopefully entertain you for many hours.
- Dungeon & Raid Finder working
- Battleground & Arena Finder working
- Pandaren race works, and monk class
- PvP attributes work as intended (resil, power, fatigue)
- Vehicles work, most crashes found & fixed
- Fully working ticket system
- Partial pet batttles working
- Enchanting, transmogging, reforging works
- No shitty rbac, just command table
- Most battlegrounds & arenas workingCredits:
Shout out to Jeutie for using his Portable MySQL server
Big up to my man Blackmetalz for assisting me
TrinityCore & Ac-Web for emulation needs
- Dungeon & Raid Finder working
- Battleground & Arena Finder working
- Pandaren race works, and monk class
- PvP attributes work as intended (resil, power, fatigue)
- Vehicles work, most crashes found & fixed
- Fully working ticket system
- Partial pet batttles working
- Enchanting, transmogging, reforging works
- No shitty rbac, just command table
Once i have time ill try to form a list of EVERY dungeon, raid, bg, arena working etc
Pandaria Dungeons
- Gate Setting Sun - Fully working 100%
- Mogushan Palace - Fully working 100%
- Shadopan Monastery - Fully working 100%
- Siege Niuzao Temple - Fully working 100%
- Stormstout Brewery - Fully working 100%
- Temple of Jade Serpent - Fully working 100%
Pandaria Raids
- Mogu'Shan Vaults working 100% 6/6
- Terrace of Endless Springs working 100% 4/4
- Throne of Thunder working 5/12 bosses
#Download Links:
Data(vmaps,maps,dbc etc) :
Database: https://mega.nz/#!DlZVHDBL!OxRtmt-l_wQ5JmOjp0JpQjjr5-dUsMQllk5mxMJujpM
Server Rel Folder: https://mega.nz/#!u8hxRSqb!VCmQfQ73Sd6efI11Ami6MkTrfADZiXI1dNnnDmBJqbQ
Game Client: https://mega.nz/#!awIyDQDZ!_OwALntaDJw8sU1-bmc6I_p7nEdDWO5HL1MoFhCTzes
- Do feel free to let me know any gamebreaking bugs in this thread, ill look into them
This is an older version, i'll soon update it with a newer version with many more updates as soon as i re-install vs2013.
If ya like it, leave a thank/like =)
In worldserver.exe:
.account create admin admin ( creates an account named admin with password admin)
.account set gmlevel admin 3 1 (Sets account to gm level
In database:
update command set security = 3 ( Sets all commands to security level 3)
update account set expansion = 4 (sets all expansions to mists of pandaria ) - ya shud set default to 4, i forgot to do that right before uploading le database)
Notice: In Worldserver.conf change char2 to characters at database information