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New Legion server looking for people to test


Verified Member
Correct but we are going to be putting a team together to create a new core due to what happened today! We have just received word that our coin that we will be using as payment in-game will now be backed by south africa's biggest bank and not only will this be a first but also they have asked us to create a exchange as well that they will back financially! So we are now looking at salary's for all staff members as we will pay in crypto and currently our coin is trading at 107usd to 1 coin so we pay well. So I ask anyone who is wanting to work on this project to please contact me to start the hiring process, you will be paid a salary and on the launch if you wish you may exchange all the crypto for real currency on the exchange. We have had enough with people saying that gaming is a waist of time so we are now turning the waist of time into a way to mine crypto and earn real cash while you play! Do what you love and earn a monthly salary.
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Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
I'm a twitch affiliate streamer. I left a few months for some problems I had, but this Wednesday or Thursday, I return to Twitch. I'm Spanish Streamer. I do not think it's inconvenient (I think). If you wish, contact me if you are interested in something. Also to test your server, I know all the content of Wortld Of Warcraft.


Verified Member
In my room
Hey RhaineK finally got a chance to check out your site, it was saying the site was down before, Are you planning on updating your client to ?
I'm just wondering because it says your using 7.3.5 Build 26124 so i wouldn't be able to join your team if i'm using

I've read your Post >https://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php/5234-New-Legion-server-looking-for-people-to-test?p=48673&viewfull=1#post48673
and would like to go over what you posted:

Correct but we are going to be putting a team together to create a new core due to what happened today!
wow a new core, do you already have skilled people to create one ?

We have just received word that our coin that we will be using as payment in-game will now be backed by south africa's biggest bank and not only will this be a first but also they have asked us to create a exchange as well that they will back financially!
Reading this reminds me of some spam emails i've seen in the past which leaves me and possibly others suspicious. Would you care to explain a little more about this ?
I'm sure you tell your staff the full details but if you can atleast dull it down a little for those that aren't your staff but are looking to become your staff.

So we are now looking at salaries for all staff members as we will pay in crypto and currently our coin is trading at 107usd to 1 coin so we pay well.
Well this sounds like a great opportunity. Will you be sharing with your staff actual proof about this ?

So I ask anyone who is wanting to work on this project to please contact me to start the hiring process, you will be paid a salary and on the launch if you wish you may exchange all the crypto for real currency on the exchange. We have had enough with people saying that gaming is a waste of time so we are now turning the waste of time into a way to mine crypto and earn real cash while you play! Do what you love and earn a monthly salary.
Again this sounds like a great opportunity but it could also be one of those "Gather a bunch of people together (Possible Desperate people that need money) they work on this BIG Project for Months for free, create a New Core that ends up stable and great and then the Owner takes all the work Drops of the face of The Internet for awhile and then sells this new core to the highest bidder later on"
Can you assure everyone a scenario like this one or any other isn't going to happen ?

Here are some more questions:
Can you assure the staff you have and the staff you're looking for that this isn't some sort of scam ?

Will you be asking your staff to install Bitcoin Miners on their computers ?

I'm sure you realise if your server becomes big Blizzard Entertainment will shut it down, especially if people are profiting from playing the game, So my question is how are you going to combat with Blizzard Entertainment sending you DMCA Takedown and Legal Threats ?
And Blizzard Entertainment will most likely go after everyone that profited from playing that game that means you and your staff and possibly any and all players, so my question is how are you keeping us from Blizzard Entertainment taking us all to court ?

Please answer those questions above, those questions weren't just for me but for anyone out there that thinks "This is a Scam" or "This is too good to be true"
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Verified Member
Good morning

So got your reply, the questions and concerns are valid so i thought id answer them.

Regarding me dropping off the face of the internet, this will not happen as we will be signing contracts to protect the devs and myself so no one gets screwed!

Regarding bitcoin miners .........um no bitcoin miners.

Regarding blizzard shutting us down .............im counting on it as this is simply a vetting of developers and a fun way to do this, once we big enough and blizzard shuts it down then thats where the real project starts as if this is a success then I am going to be developing our very own game.

Regarding the devs working for free.......... this also will not happen as they get paid as they work so as soon as they submit their work they get paid and then after that they transfer the files.

Regarding all other concerns..........We will have all the needed legal documentation and contracts in place to protect both myself and the devs so no one will worry.

We also doing $1000 usd prizes as well on the server


Verified Member
In my room
Since you didn't answer my previous question i gotta ask again > Are you planning on updating your client to ?
I'm just wondering because it says your using 7.3.5 Build 26124 so i wouldn't be able to join your Staff if i'm using

Also i've been using the Single Player Project AshamaneCore (Legion) off and on (i usually wait a few days for a bunch of updates to roll in and then play again) and gotta say it still needs some work.
The reason i bring this up is because i'm assuming you're using that same core. 7.3.5 Build 26124 is rather old and incase you haven't checked out Single Player Project - AshamaneCore (Legion) repack in awhile it's currently supporting Game 7.3.5 (26972)
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Verified Member
I can update the client if needed as I am interested in someone to manage the server for me, I am the funding guy but know a little regarding the server but I am willing to pay for the work and if its done correctly, I am looking for devs and would like to discuss a new project I will be funding rather soon and am offering a salary for any dev that wants to try and help.


Verified Member
In my room
I can update the client if needed as I am interested in someone to manage the server for me, I am the funding guy but know a little regarding the server but I am willing to pay for the work and if it's done correctly, I am looking for devs and would like to discuss a new project I will be funding rather soon and am offering a salary for any dev that wants to try and help.
It's rather easy to update the client but you'll also need to update your game client.
For the game client you can download world of warcraft legion from wowmortal, first download BitTorrent and then go to google and search that name and then go to the download section and download legion, i suggest using a vpn if your in a country that is strict about torrenting use the Always on firewall if your using Winscribe just make sure to turn it back to automatic after you close BitTorrent.
After you've downloaded world of warcraft legion simply drag n drop SPP_Wow and SPP_Wow-64 from Single Player Project AshamaneCore\spp-legion\Addons\Patched_Exe_26972 into your world of warcraft legion folder only use those exe's to run the game (use the SPP_Wow-64 if your using a 64 bit version of windows if not use SPP_Wow)

Did you download the repack from Git - you know the repo and assemble it yourself or did you download the repack from AC-Web ?
I'm going to assume AC-Web, not sure if i can post a link to another forum but here is something you can do before anyone helps setup your server:
Go to AC-Web
Go to the Repacks section
Look for Single Player Project - AshamaneCore (Legion)
Look for the big Download Link and download the repack
You already put effort into your website so make sure you backup the Website folder (copy and paste to another location or drive) you'll also have to Export your websites SQL Database.
It might be a little complicated for you to export the sql, if not then use HediSQL and then right click on the table that has your website info, there's several tables to export so make sure you export them all.
Next wait for the download to complete and then extract the repack using 7zip or winrar into a folder let's call it Single Player Project AshamaneCore Now click on Update and let it update the repack it will take several minutes.
When it says complete press space bar.
Now someone "Perhaps me" can begin working on the rest.
I can do the website export if it's to complicated.

But if you want someone to do it for you that could be done using teamviewer although you'll still have to download the newest repack and run update.bat to pull the newest changes.
I've done work like this before in the past using teamviewer so that's one way you can have someone do this for you.
Basically i controlled their computer and setup a full working repack and public server for them and yes it was a success even played on his or hers server a few times before i quite playing wow for awhile.
Kinda wish i did get paid for this as was hours of work and many more hours of testing ingame but it was a fun process and didn't need money at the time.

Another thing is i've used .servegame before to host a private server but it wasn't many people like 3 to 5 people playing on the server and it's not the best hosting site especially if your getting it for free.
I've checked your site and it's mostly down http://www.warcraftworld.servegame.com Are you running from your computer or an actual host ?
If your running the web server from your computer maybe there's a port issue, firewall issue, It would be best to use an External host and since you have the money that shouldn't be a problem just lookup reliable hosting.

Still not 100% sure this is some scam or something so send me a pm with this Contract stuff you mentioned before >
Regarding me dropping off the face of the internet, this will not happen as we will be signing contracts to protect the devs and myself so no one gets screwed!
Regarding all other concerns..........We will have all the needed legal documentation and contracts in place to protect both myself and the devs so no one will worry.
and i'll take a look at it probably have a lawyer take a look at it as well.
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Senior User
Superior Member
I would really test out the aerver bit when ever on wich device i try the website is unable to connect also o cant even ping the website atm