Things in code tags.
Done. Should be much better nowWhen viewing, The text is extremely washed out, And almost unreadable.Code:Things in code tags.
Something to improve the theme, that should've been done a long time ago:
New emoji's.
These are too plain and, in my opinion, don't fully express the faces one might make in certain situations.
I mean, theface is just a plain face with a tongue sticking out, not even sideways or diagonal, just straight down
Looks good now, And i like the snowflakes.
If you can find some, feel free to link it here and I can implement!
Intended to only happen with a reasonable interval to not spam![]()
Mine has a steady snowfall. lolIt's pretty cool actually.
[afterthought] So will ladies float down for Happy Hump Day? 0 : ) <----- SUPPOSED TO BE HALO, BUT WAS 0 + A (people actually send me those at times.) lol