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Need help placing files in the right location


Verified Member
ok so long story short it doesnt come already sorted out and im use to downloading packs that are already in the right folder location.

so thats what i need to know im stuck on where to put all these extra files that came with the 4.3.4 emucoach repack


thats the pic of where im stuck at i dont know where textures files go or what zipped is and all those extra files below.
can anyone let me copy there folder setup they have for there server


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I knew nothing starting out at all. You can do this. Read the directions (COMPLETELY) 5-10 times if needs be on the page offering the server repack. Google things you do not understand, "be surprised what you can learn" read help sections here, watch youtube vids about things you still "don't get". I did it, and I am not tech_pro even vaguely. lol

The entire server comes in zipped files. You use something like winrar, 7zip, etc to unzip them. You unzip them all in a folder you want to use, named something you will remember, placed where you want to run your server from on your pc. Dont remove, or add files to the _Server folder after unzipping it. Do not rename it. You launch MySQL from there when ready to use server. Everything else "if downloaded, and unzipped maps, mmaps,vmaps, DB? Will go in the [Release] folder. (follow the directions on the page, where the download links are.) "You will see the folder names after you download, and unzip it all." There should also be a zipped file in the _Server folder called [Required Software] unzip it, DO WHAT IT SAYS EXACTLY in that folder.

LAUNCH: MySQL.bat in [ _Server] folder

LAUNCH: authserver.exe in [Release] folder

LAUNCH: worldserver.exe in [Release] folder

If any 1 of these fail to start? Check the directions on the repack page, check the way to set it up here. In addition. There are help pages here in forums, and youtube offers tons of videos showing setups. If it is a trinity core server like here? It will be pretty much the same setup. Good luck. :)

(in the worldserver cmd window type the below)

.account create (account name) (password)

"hit enter" (should say) account created

.account set gmlevel (account name) 3 -1