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Need help fixing server rates


Veteran Member
I am using the emucoach repack v6 and I've used a lot of servers over the years but have never ran into this problem. I edit the world server config and set xp gains to 10 those worked, but rates for player health and mana and world boss health and damage do not work when I change them. Any help? Am I missing something? Thanks in advance!


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Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I am as amatuer as they come and how! lol xD But, I know that your stats are shown in the SQL when you open character files with something like Navicat. I use that. You can change server name. Rename AH bot, add gold and level to your guild, award achievements to you, others, and guild to unlock guild perks. Maybe you can tweak your stats there as well? Hunter pets are in there to. You can get demo's of Navicat free I am told, or buy it if you can afford it. Or get it ummmm, other ways? lol ;) You can even split your server into 3 servers. Like a normal, pvp, rp, etc. I managed it with tons of google, and some youtube vids. I foung it best to close server. Launch MySQL.bat Open Navicat, and name a new connection. Most SQL open with [Hostname/IP address]: local host - [Port]: 3306 - [User name]: root - [Password]: ascent. Even the ones that look blank, or dissapear after launching can be opened with Navicat, and the right login info & port. :) Maybe setting your stats that way? Save, close out SQL, then lauch all of server might work? Just an idea. (NOTE) From personal experience? Make a FULL BACKUP COPY of all of your server. Store it somewhere. That way if you "hose your server", learning as you go like I did? You gota copy to drop back in place of the broken server. I hope this will be of some use.? I am sorry I cannot help more? But it is possible that might work. I have modified several thing thisway by trial & error. lol :D You can do a LOT MORE than I know how to with Navicat. Just back up your server, and dive in. You'll get it. I did. At least to a degree. lol :confused: <------- WILL happen at times, but it gets easier as you browse, and try things out in Navicat. Good luck! :)
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Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
Yah, I tried to change stats on a hunter, and his pet for more hp/def. It reset them. I had this same problem previously with Cata servers, and extra talent points. I would add them, the server would take them every time I logged out, and back in. (strangely? this works in WOLK servers? Go figgure... lol) In this case however? I found a "talent point multiplier" in the world.conf file. This made it assign extra talent points as you level (needed to make an off the grid versitile hybrid). :D I did not find it for stats in this maner. But there are multipliers for experience, rep, and such there. Perhaps there is a setting to make default stats higher at start. That or modifying the default setting in the DB for every class/level you are wanting the enhanced stats on? A bit over my head (still trying to learn)... lol Good luck. :)


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
Really? That was the only way I could get the talent points to go past default without resetting. Was change the multipier in the world.conf file. Woulda thought the life, mana, etc defaults would be there as well. Some type of base-per-level amount less the gear.. Buut the gear influences those greatly as well, and I think the DB protects itself from modifying the gear stats. Unless you tell it not to in the world.conf. so... I am not sure. Now The MySQL DB. I was able to change things such as guild level, reputation with a faction, etc. And guild cash, character cash is did easier in-game.


This needs to be tested on the latest repack (7.0 (2)) to see if it's an ongoing bug that is yet to be fixed.

I haven't looked into it, or tested it, but it sounds like a bug to me tbh


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Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
Really? Didn't know. Just thought it was the DB protecting itself like it did/does still on 7.0 (2) even with talent points. But that is fine on 6 free and 7 vip "and previous cata(s) here & elsewhere to increase the talent point assignment per level multiplier in the world.conf works for that. I know for sure changing any stats in the SQL DB ie mana, life, rage, etc gets ignored for me on 7.0 (2) as well. I am a bit leary changing anything majorly drastic I the world.conf past drops, health gain, rest, mana, etc gain rates. So I may lack the ability to test this right? However I admitt to being "just above dumb on a lot as I "learn as I go". lol Seems liberator has tinkered with that a bit, and I tried it in MySQL using Navicat. Seems neither of usare havin much luck with it. Sorry I wasn't more useful on this. But "yes" 7 does it as well, as do most cata servers I messed with.


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Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
Note I have a pretty smooth working WOLK. I'll mess with it after I rest. See if stat changes stick for me in it. You can GM command add talent points in a WOLK server, set skills from 2 to 10 allowed to learn in World.conf, and it creates cast shortcuts for more than 2. Cata will not do this. As it shows only 2 skills regardless of the world.conf settings. You must create macro;s for almost all of the learned skills if you use more than 2 regardless of world.conf setting. It glitches out the skills shown in the skill panel where cata shows them if you learn them all, but WOLK adds them the the spell panel automatically. They are set up differently. Cata won't do that, and also erases .command assigned additional talent points at each login. All I tried so far do, except for a mangos Cata 4.0.6 I tried, (it still has some WOLK type features that work in a similar way if forced, but it had deeper problems by far in other areas. Cata 4.3.4 is a different creature than either of those. I assumed it was default that way. Fighting DB changes with character statistics. Didn't know. I have a LOT to learn.
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Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
This seems to work just fine in 7.0 2, But it is pretty much a different server too. I always hate how fast we eat up mana, And then it takes forever to regen. So one of my first changes is to reset the mana and health gains to 2x, but this time i jacked it up to 5x, And it was severely fast, So i lowered it again. If you can afford to get premium on this server core, It's well worth the money, Just so you can be on the cutting edge of developement. And no i don't work here, I'm just like you.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
The gain rateswork, but liberator was trying to change stats. Same as talent points over the normal amount. Not a multipied gain rate. He is right. It gets reset. But I noticed this in every Cata 4.3.4 I tried. That's why I thought it was normal,or something for Cata 4.3.4 servers. Perhaps you cannot exceed a certain amount in comparison to your level? I dunno honestly. But yes, talent points will work the way you do it as well. Increase the multiplier, and you end up with enough to hydrid in all 3 skill tress after leveled up. And the servers here are much better than any other 3.4.3 I found out there. Including the free ones here as well, are way better. :)
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