I am as amatuer as they come and how! lol xD But, I know that your stats are shown in the SQL when you open character files with something like Navicat. I use that. You can change server name. Rename AH bot, add gold and level to your guild, award achievements to you, others, and guild to unlock guild perks. Maybe you can tweak your stats there as well? Hunter pets are in there to. You can get demo's of Navicat free I am told, or buy it if you can afford it. Or get it ummmm, other ways? lol

You can even split your server into 3 servers. Like a normal, pvp, rp, etc. I managed it with tons of google, and some youtube vids. I foung it best to close server. Launch MySQL.bat Open Navicat, and name a new connection. Most SQL open with [Hostname/IP address]: local host - [Port]: 3306 - [User name]: root - [Password]: ascent. Even the ones that look blank, or dissapear after launching can be opened with Navicat, and the right login info & port.

Maybe setting your stats that way? Save, close out SQL, then lauch all of server might work? Just an idea. (NOTE) From personal experience? Make a FULL BACKUP COPY of all of your server. Store it somewhere. That way if you "hose your server", learning as you go like I did? You gota copy to drop back in place of the broken server. I hope this will be of some use.? I am sorry I cannot help more? But it is possible that might work. I have modified several thing thisway by trial & error. lol

You can do a LOT MORE than I know how to with Navicat. Just back up your server, and dive in. You'll get it. I did. At least to a degree. lol

<------- WILL happen at times, but it gets easier as you browse, and try things out in Navicat. Good luck!