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need a 4.3.4 repack team members


Verified Member
HELLO my name is alfred. I am wanting to start up a new english 4.3.4 cata server. i am in need of help with getting one set up. right now i have a domain name+ 1&1 vps hosting site ready to link the server so others can join. i am wanting to add new legendarys-world bosses-rares to the lvl 85 zones aswell as make older content twink ready. i want to make the server x10 exp x5 rep and x3 gold for now to get people leveled up fast :) . i want to rework the pvp and pve content to make pvpers have a reson to pve and pve. and pve players have a reson to pvp. wanting to add legendary shirts and tab with stats that will be upgraded on a questline that makes you have to do both pvp and pve. i want to add a new full set of armor for pvp/pve. want to make bwd/bot reset once every day to give members a little easyer time hitting FL. but i want to buff the HP and dmg of bwd and bot to make it hard. i want to add a world boss that has a chance on droping all types of boa gear. aswell as make mod -herbs respawn just a little faster. we are makeing a coint that u gain from killing the last bosses in each raid. that coin will be use to obtain legendary gear that we have added. like setting warglaves-shadowmorn-frostmorn bow from sunwell to level 85. and more. right now it is just me. i am in need of Dev that would like to work on this project with me. right now there is no pay. but as soon as the server is makeing money. all members that have helped the team will be getting payed. if this is something you would like to join and see where it goes. feel free to contact me at https://discord.gg/CEmg8KG and we can get started. im adding opton for players to put there awsome ideas and we will try and add them to the game if it is something that would work.


Verified Member
in worldserver.exe it is saying my server been up for 20 min. but the world is down to log on. how can i fix this. the video you linked didnt help bc i followed it