I use the free repack cataclysm v7 of emucoach.
I suggest to play testing every quests looking for bugs. The only cheat i use is a guild level 25, and a large amount of gold. The realm is set with a lootrate x1.
With a Draenei Shaman, level 21, the Draenei isles are almost done, except 1 quest with a bug:
Indeed, we get the quest, but the npc doesn't move, and if we try to do the quests objectives "alone", we can't destroy what we have to, same for killing Sironas, we can't touch her.
Elwyn Forest / Stormwind :
- My Draenei is going to stormwind waiting for the resolvation of the problem, and there is a problem with a cooking quest.
- My Draenei is having some trouble to use the Tram. After some tests, it looks like it's caused by the progression of the character. Indeed, I created a second Draenei, i brought in stormwind by tele command (*), and the new Draenei can use the Tram. So it's caused by one of the tested quests (Draenei isles, or Elwyn forest, or Westfall or Redridge Mountains). Tests are in progress to identify the problem.
(*) : the test with the new Draenei was to be sure if the Tram isn't caused by race, sex, or level.
I suggest to play testing every quests looking for bugs. The only cheat i use is a guild level 25, and a large amount of gold. The realm is set with a lootrate x1.
With a Draenei Shaman, level 21, the Draenei isles are almost done, except 1 quest with a bug:
Indeed, we get the quest, but the npc doesn't move, and if we try to do the quests objectives "alone", we can't destroy what we have to, same for killing Sironas, we can't touch her.
Elwyn Forest / Stormwind :
- My Draenei is going to stormwind waiting for the resolvation of the problem, and there is a problem with a cooking quest.
-- Quest Stormwind - Fishing/Cooking, https://fr.wowhead.com/quest=26177
DELETE FROM `creature_loot_template` WHERE (`entry`='42339');
INSERT INTO `creature_loot_template` (`entry`, `item`) VALUES ('42339', '57175');
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `lootid`='42339' WHERE (`entry`='42339');
- My Draenei is having some trouble to use the Tram. After some tests, it looks like it's caused by the progression of the character. Indeed, I created a second Draenei, i brought in stormwind by tele command (*), and the new Draenei can use the Tram. So it's caused by one of the tested quests (Draenei isles, or Elwyn forest, or Westfall or Redridge Mountains). Tests are in progress to identify the problem.
About the Tram bug:
- Draenei Zone verified: OK
- Elwynn Forest verified: OK
(*) : the test with the new Draenei was to be sure if the Tram isn't caused by race, sex, or level.
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