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My bug Report Before Next version


Veteran Member
hope u understand cuz im bad at english ...


Last Stand - not working
you always stay with the first pet when u resurrect in battleground.

Soul link - Buf disappears after dismount, making really difficult to pvp
Bane of Havoc - Bug
and pets dismmis after u die in battleground, and u need to call him back when u ressurect

Blink - so bug please fix this :(
- Fixed

Spirit of Redemption - Talent is bug, when u die the first time in battleground, and resurrect, u are inmune, why? i think is because the game think u are still the angel that came with this talent thats why u became inmune forever, untill relog.
- Fixed
Chakra - Working, but not so good, when you change the state of chakra, you maintains the remain state, so you can end with 2 bufs, but with 1 spell, dunno if u understand, maybe u should try.
- Fixed

i think its ok, but peopple are complaining about the healing talent, maybe its not healing that much like it should.

Eviscerate - i dont know if the damage is correct

Travel form from Trolls look like NightElfs Travel form , the fly model, hahahah
- Fixed

Chain Heal, just heal 1 target ...

Rune Strike, u cant use rune strike when you are in blood presence
- Fixed

Bloodthrist - not sure if the damage+heal is correct.

Deathbringer's Will , all the bufs are active at the same time, and never ends, and u can get 2 of the same buf all the time, so buggy!
Moonwell Chalice - not working :(


you cant complete [The Heart of the Matter] so u can start leveling with quest in deepholm.
Same with Uldum, and Twilight Highlands, u cant finish the starting quest to start leveling on this new maps

Some jewel and cooking dayli quest are bugged.

Archeology is kinda buggy, u cant level this!
All enginering enchants dont work, and cant be learned.
same with some glyphs that cant be found with books

-Raid boses / only cataclysm raids, dungeons:

i know there is alot to fix, so I'll talk in general, but u need to look the item drop from boses, sometimes some bosses drop 0 items, and sometimes drop like 6. or heroic ones, when u do normal.
And very important, sometimes peopple get like 999999999999 justice points for 1 boss, no really sure why, but it happens, and its real, not visual bug. u can use this amount of justice points.
and change justice points for honor, and valor por conquest, it's not working.

hope u can fix Firelands, BWD and BoT for the next release :D

- Dungeon finder, not working
- Fixed

- Honor reward for win or lose a battleground, not working.
- Fixed

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