I am new here. I downloaded everything regarding v5 on page 1 of the 4.3.4 thread. Below are bugs I've experienced. Some of these I've seen elsewhere in the forums as already fixed in a prior version, but I am still seeing some of them. My first is a good example of this.
Shadowfang Keep: Baron Ashbury
Does not spawn. Tried turning GM mode on as another forum member suggested, no help (well, the door after him that should open was then clickable to open when it wasn't with gm mode off).
Should spawn.
Undead Warlock as first character on Admin account.
Crashes server upon leveling up.
Not crash the server. After deleting said character, never experienced the issue again.
Nearly every quest I've came across up to level 30 as multiple horde characters.
Clicking "Complete Quest" does not change/close the window, but it does do the action of completing the quest (xp gain, item reward, etc). If a new quest is made available and you click complete a second time, it often accepts the next quest without explaining it. If you close the window and speak with the NPC again, it will then allow you to try and accept the next quest if there is one.
Change the window to normal dialogue or bring up next quest in chain to be accepted (or similar).
Many class trainers spread throughout (if specifics are needed, please ask and I'll find as many as I can).
Immediately enters "Unlearn all talent" dialogue option upon speaking to them.
They should offer to train you, unlearn talents, or explain/offer to let you purchase dual talent specialization.
Quest: Crossroads Caravan Pickup, Giver: Halga Bloodeye, Where: Far Watch Post (Kalimdor, Northern Barrens)
Starts quest, but does not trigger caravan "event"
Should trigger caravan event where you ride a kodo and use the quest item Halga's "Street Sweeper". Not sure if something probably scripted is considered a bug.
Quest: The light of dawn (for Death Knights)
Quest can be accepted, but the battle never commences
The proper Highlord Darion Mograine should be spawned and a specific NPC battle should commence. Again, not sure if this is a bug or just missing content needing to be scripted.
Hunter Trainers: Tarmod in Crossroads, Karla and Guldor in Orgrimmar (The Valley of Honor)
As a hunter, they respond only with "Don't waste my time"
Should offer training, unlearning of talents, and dual spec options.
-- FIXED in v6.1 (upcoming vip)
- If you occur more of these, feel free to post.
Quest: Proving Pit (Troll starting area, 3rd or 4th quest)
After talking to Darkspear Jailor, he disappears.. After a while, he returns and that's when the Captive Spitescale Scout spawns, but it is not targettable for attacks.
After speaking with Darkspear Jailor, the cage being opened should spawn the scout I believe and then it should be something you can attack. Not sure if it should be in the cage as a non-targettable enemy first or not.
Warlock and Hunter passives: Control Demon/Pet respectively
These are unlocked, but unable to be learned via a trainer.
They should be something you can learn via a trainer I believe. I also believe before these are unlocked, the pet bar isn't supposed to be available yet it is.
Hunter: Pets
If I have any pets stabled, then logout, when I log back in all stabled pets get put in my active list. Seems to happen intermittently, not sure if it's only when I logout with a pet active or not.
Stabled pets should stay stabled and active pets should stay active, even after logging out and back in.
Quest: Through Fire and Flames, Giver: Dorak, Where: Just South of Far Watch in Northern Barrens
Building is not on fire, wolves can't be freed (except through killing them), if you kill them two ? appear (one of them is Dorak to complete the quest, the other doesn't have a NPC at it).
Building should be burning, chains should (upon clicking) release wolves I believe.
Spell Cost for Smite (and others)
Smite on priest at level 1 undead character (at least) says it costs 10 mana, but actually costs 16 and uses 16 when cast. If you try to cast with 10-15 mana, it does not work. 16 or higher works as it should. I've seen other spells have mislabeled costs as well, but I do not remember what they've been at the moment.
Smite should cost 15% of your base mana. Note: Comparing Fade (which I believe should also be 15%), they are different costs at early levels but Smite does scale up to match Fade at higher levels (20-24 or so and higher they end up matching).
Shadowfang Keep: Baron Ashbury
Does not spawn. Tried turning GM mode on as another forum member suggested, no help (well, the door after him that should open was then clickable to open when it wasn't with gm mode off).
Should spawn.
Undead Warlock as first character on Admin account.
Crashes server upon leveling up.
Not crash the server. After deleting said character, never experienced the issue again.
Nearly every quest I've came across up to level 30 as multiple horde characters.
Clicking "Complete Quest" does not change/close the window, but it does do the action of completing the quest (xp gain, item reward, etc). If a new quest is made available and you click complete a second time, it often accepts the next quest without explaining it. If you close the window and speak with the NPC again, it will then allow you to try and accept the next quest if there is one.
Change the window to normal dialogue or bring up next quest in chain to be accepted (or similar).
Many class trainers spread throughout (if specifics are needed, please ask and I'll find as many as I can).
Immediately enters "Unlearn all talent" dialogue option upon speaking to them.
They should offer to train you, unlearn talents, or explain/offer to let you purchase dual talent specialization.
Quest: Crossroads Caravan Pickup, Giver: Halga Bloodeye, Where: Far Watch Post (Kalimdor, Northern Barrens)
Starts quest, but does not trigger caravan "event"
Should trigger caravan event where you ride a kodo and use the quest item Halga's "Street Sweeper". Not sure if something probably scripted is considered a bug.
Quest: The light of dawn (for Death Knights)
Quest can be accepted, but the battle never commences
The proper Highlord Darion Mograine should be spawned and a specific NPC battle should commence. Again, not sure if this is a bug or just missing content needing to be scripted.
Hunter Trainers: Tarmod in Crossroads, Karla and Guldor in Orgrimmar (The Valley of Honor)
As a hunter, they respond only with "Don't waste my time"
Should offer training, unlearning of talents, and dual spec options.
-- FIXED in v6.1 (upcoming vip)
- If you occur more of these, feel free to post.
Quest: Proving Pit (Troll starting area, 3rd or 4th quest)
After talking to Darkspear Jailor, he disappears.. After a while, he returns and that's when the Captive Spitescale Scout spawns, but it is not targettable for attacks.
After speaking with Darkspear Jailor, the cage being opened should spawn the scout I believe and then it should be something you can attack. Not sure if it should be in the cage as a non-targettable enemy first or not.
Warlock and Hunter passives: Control Demon/Pet respectively
These are unlocked, but unable to be learned via a trainer.
They should be something you can learn via a trainer I believe. I also believe before these are unlocked, the pet bar isn't supposed to be available yet it is.
Hunter: Pets
If I have any pets stabled, then logout, when I log back in all stabled pets get put in my active list. Seems to happen intermittently, not sure if it's only when I logout with a pet active or not.
Stabled pets should stay stabled and active pets should stay active, even after logging out and back in.
Quest: Through Fire and Flames, Giver: Dorak, Where: Just South of Far Watch in Northern Barrens
Building is not on fire, wolves can't be freed (except through killing them), if you kill them two ? appear (one of them is Dorak to complete the quest, the other doesn't have a NPC at it).
Building should be burning, chains should (upon clicking) release wolves I believe.
Spell Cost for Smite (and others)
Smite on priest at level 1 undead character (at least) says it costs 10 mana, but actually costs 16 and uses 16 when cast. If you try to cast with 10-15 mana, it does not work. 16 or higher works as it should. I've seen other spells have mislabeled costs as well, but I do not remember what they've been at the moment.
Smite should cost 15% of your base mana. Note: Comparing Fade (which I believe should also be 15%), they are different costs at early levels but Smite does scale up to match Fade at higher levels (20-24 or so and higher they end up matching).