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[Other] Multiple Bug Reports in 1 Thread!


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I've decided to create one thread with Bugs I've collected over the last week or so. There is more then these that my friends have written down on their own, but I've yet to receive those reports. So I will make separate threads for some of those issues. However I believe the issues I'm going to report in this Thread, would be excessive to create a Thread for each issue.

So without further ado let's begin the Bug Reports.

Quest: Powering our Defenses

You are required to put down an Infused Crystal near the Runestone.
Then enemies attack it, first of all those enemies attack it for too much damage, so it dies quick. Second if you manage to complete the waves. It will tell you that the objective is complete, but it does not change the quest itself to be completed. Even though you can turn it in.

Screenshot: ---------------------------------------------------------
NPC: Anok'suten
Quest: Anok'suten

The NPC is initially there, but when killed, it doesn't seem to respawn anymore. It however is present whenever the server restarts obviously.
It's supposed to have a 1-5 minute respawn timer

Upon further inspection, it does respawn, but it leaves the town where it is supposed to remain walking in circles on the road.

I found it Near the mountains pathing in the troll area, and it happened to even walk INSIDE the mountain. So that enemies pathing is really messed up.
Quest: A Little Dash of Seasoning

The quest itself works fine, however there is tiny issue, that could prevent people from completing it, with the quest you have poison the following things:

1x Raw Meat Rack
1x Smoked Meat Rack
1x Fresh Fish Rack

You can only use the item you get to poison those racks with 3 times.
However there is multiple Fresh Fish rack objects in the town. you can actually after using it on one, use it again on another one, which counts towards the total of 3 uses.

The way it is supposed to work is that if you use it on an object, it disallows you from using it on the same object again.
Zone: Tanaris
City: Gadgetzan
Quest: Thunderdrome: Grudge Match

The last quest of the questline doesn't seem to work.
The event somewhat works fine, but after killing the boss it doesn't give you any credit, because the event NPC's remain active but non responsive.
Quest: The Eye of the Storm

The quest does not work.

Location: Ghostlands - Tranquillien
NPC: Arcanist Vandril

When talking to the NPC, it keeps moving, even though the NPC is supposed to stop walking when spoken to, this makes it difficult to turn in a quest, and select a reward.

System: Random Dungeon Finder

Upon completing a dungeon in the RDF, whenever you leave said dungeon that is completed, it will give you the Dungeon Deserter buff. That is basically punishing you for completing the dungeon. That buff is only supposed to be handed out to players leaving the dungeon early. Not when you completed a dungeon normally.

Update to the above, it doesn't happen with every dungeon, however there are specific dungeons this happens with. Good example dungeon is Stratholme, it has 2 entries in the Dungeon Finder, but regardless of which entry you enter and complete, it will give you the deserter buff, unless you clear both instances, which funny enough shouldn't be possible if you only queued for one of the instances.
System: Enemy Names

When you kill red named enemies, in some zones, they remain having a red name, even though they are dead. As seen on the screenshot, the enemy is dead, but the name 'Deviate Guardian' still shows in red, even though it needs to be grey.

Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/s1VOA_7aLM5d
System: AOE Looting

The looting itself works, it's just items/resources don't stack properly while looting, example screenshot below, where the same item is listed multiple times in the loot window, even though they are supposed to be stacked in the window.

Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/qHj2Qbpd-xJo

In this example "Mageweave Cloth" is not stacked.
System: Server Restart

When issuing a server restart with the command .server restart 300
Which for example restarts the server in 5 minutes.
After the countdown it proceeds to crash the server instead of restarting it.

Instance: The Wailing Caverns

The bots don't jump the gap, to continue the path on the right side of the dungeon. As seen on the screenshot.


They do teleport to you after if you continue walking forward, but it would be more realistic if they went over the gap themselves with you.

Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/X19nH2330NVh
Instance: Razorfen Downs

This dungeon is working fine, except 2 issues.

1. There is way too many mob spawns in the dungeon, which makes it fairly impossible to complete the instance. In certain parts of the dungeon there is literally 30 or so mobs that get pulled at once.

2. There is a quest called "Extinguishing the Idol" that is given from an NPC within the dungeon. That quest is on Auto complete, it doesn't actually do the event that is tied to that quest.
Instance: Strattholme

There are certain mobs in the instance, that instantly kill players.
Instance: Uldaman

There are certain mobs in the instance, that instantly kill players.
Instance: Gundrak

Both quest givers give the same quests, which isn't an issue, but you can get the quests twice by accepting it from both quest givers at both entrances of the Dungeon.

Also the circle platform in the middle of the dungeon has not collision, you can still walk to the other side though.

Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/gne7dmmyqs1h & https://prnt.sc/_GfSzr7Juoif
Instance: Halls of Stone
NPC: Brann Bronzebeard

The NPC gives a quest that is not related to the dungeon, and that quest should be removed.

The quest is "The Brothers Bronzebeard"
Instance: Halls of Stone
Event: Brann Bronzebeard

First of all the door to the event area should be closed, until the 2nd boss has been defeated (Maiden of Grief)

2nd The event works alright, just the female voice of the computer isn't included in the conversation with Brann.
Instnace: Halls of Stone

The final door to the final boss is open after the event with Brann Bronzebeard, that door is supposed to be closed, Brann should be waiting in front of that door, and upon speaking with him, he should open that door for you.

Also after the last boss fight, Brann is supposed to spawn, so that the quest "Halls of Stone" can be turned in to him. (he doesn't spawn)
Instances: All dungeons in WOTLK content.

In retail in all WOTLK dungeons, Frostweave drops in crazy amounts. However in this core, it doesn't drop at all from any of the dungeon mobs.
Instance: Halls of Lightning
Boss: General Bjarngrin

He's standing still, and is supposed to walk around.
Also this boss hits way to hard, the damage is insane.

Class: Hunter - Hunter Pets

The hunter pets do not swim in water, they rather walk over the bottom from one side to the other. Also they do not like to fight in water. The hunter pet will freak out.

When jumping off area's the hunter pets floats in the air, instead of path finding a way around to get to you.

Class: Monk
Spell: Legacy of the Emperor

The Monk tanks keep spamming this buff. It's really really annoying.
They continuously do it. The only moment they stop spamming it is when they actually are doing tanking.

They only have to use it once, and the buff remains for 1 hour. So there is no reason for them to use it over and over and over again.
Class: Druid
Spell: Mark of the Wild

The healing druids keep spamming this buff. Also this is quite annoying. They continuously do it. The only moment they stop spamming it is when they actually are healing players.

They only have to use it once, and the buff remains for 1 hour. So there is no reason for them to use it over and over and over again.
Class: Paladin
Spell: Blessing of Kings

The Paladins keep spamming this buff. Quite annoying. They continuously do it. The only moment they stop spamming it is when they actually are fighting enemies.

They only have to use it once, and the buff remains for 1 hour. So there is no reason for them to use it over and over and over again.
Instance: The Oculus

Pretty much the dungeon is literally unplayable with the player bots.
As these lack the knowledge on how this dungeon works.
Instances: The Pit of Saron & The Halls of Reflection

You can queue for those dungeons, but bots can't queue for those dungeons, because they haven't done the pre-requisite quests, in order for them to gain access to those dungeons.

So therefore you cannot do those 2 dungeons with the player bots.
They can't enter the dungeons without having done the pre-requisite quests.
Raid: Heart of Fear
Boss: Garalon

The player bots clearly do not understand the mechanics of this fight.
As they for whatever reason decide to pull the boss slowly off the platform into nothingness.

The player bots need to be taught the strategy of this fight.
Raid: Heart of Fear
Boss: Amber-Shaper Un'Sok

The player bots clearly do not understand the mechanics of this fight.
As they for whatever reason decide to pull the boss slowly off the platform into nothingness.

The player bots need to be taught the strategy of this fight.

Sometimes a bot gets stuck and starts massively spamming text.

Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/8sTqj781WScY