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More equipment_id DBError.log fixes v7.0.2


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These are fixes for mostly beasts or creatures this no item in-hand when idle. Roughly 900 log entries in all.
I may have missed a few. The remainder will require a bit more research to identify which item they do stand around with in-hand.

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Repack version:               7.0.2
-- Fixes a lot of DBError.log entries pertaining to equipment_id in both creature and creature_template tables.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

UPDATE `creature` SET `equipment_id` = 0 WHERE `id` in (113, 205, 210, 352, 524, 683, 686, 721, 883, 898, 1016, 1018, 1125, 1412, 1420, 2019, 2033, 2098, 2620, 2725, 2914, 2965, 2969, 2970, 3566, 4075, 4118, 4953, 5854, 6271, 6509, 6512, 6514, 6559, 6827, 7092, 7126, 7139, 8393, 9163, 9167, 9600, 9776, 10583, 11701, 11782, 12123, 13321, 14881, 15475, 17253, 23020, 24110, 32820, 35205, 35333, 38561, 38993, 39049, 39452, 41099, 41283, 41293, 41295, 41315, 41342, 41343, 41388, 41400, 41424, 41496, 42042, 42342, 42384, 43050, 43704, 43977, 44110, 44116, 44284, 44432, 44628, 44635, 45439, 45649, 45711, 47871, 48037, 48131, 48192, 48259, 48833, 48935, 49779, 49928, 50487);
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `equipment_id` = 0 WHERE `entry` in (113, 205, 210, 352, 524, 683, 686, 721, 883, 898, 1016, 1018, 1125, 1412, 1420, 2019, 2033, 2098, 2620, 2725, 2914, 2965, 2969, 2970, 3566, 4075, 4118, 4953, 5854, 6271, 6509, 6512, 6514, 6559, 6827, 7092, 7126, 7139, 8393, 9163, 9167, 9600, 9776, 10583, 11701, 11782, 12123, 13321, 14881, 15475, 17253, 23020, 24110, 32820, 35205, 35333, 38561, 38993, 39049, 39452, 41099, 41283, 41293, 41295, 41315, 41342, 41343, 41388, 41400, 41424, 41496, 42042, 42342, 42384, 43050, 43704, 43977, 44110, 44116, 44284, 44432, 44628, 44635, 45439, 45649, 45711, 47871, 48037, 48131, 48192, 48259, 48833, 48935, 49779, 49928, 50487);

UPDATE `creature` SET `equipment_id` = 0 WHERE `id` IN (92, 118, 154, 157, 206, 217, 247, 253, 344, 345, 346, 379, 442, 454, 505, 547, 582, 633, 685, 686, 687, 689, 690, 708, 730, 789, 797, 830, 831, 848, 849, 850, 851, 905, 920, 1109, 1125, 1216, 1402, 1492, 1550, 1551, 1632, 1671, 1693, 1852, 2150, 2248, 2278, 2385, 3085, 4550, 8524, 18598, 24539, 33147, 33150, 33151, 33152, 36649, 37167, 39313, 40686, 40701, 41292, 41518, 42076, 42399, 43125, 43128, 45960, 47296, 49505, 49511, 50484, 401850);
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `equipment_id` = 0 WHERE `entry` IN (92, 118, 154, 157, 206, 217, 247, 253, 344, 345, 346, 379, 442, 454, 505, 547, 582, 633, 685, 686, 687, 689, 690, 708, 730, 789, 797, 830, 831, 848, 849, 850, 851, 905, 920, 1109, 1125, 1216, 1402, 1492, 1550, 1551, 1632, 1671, 1693, 1852, 2150, 2248, 2278, 2385, 3085, 4550, 8524, 18598, 24539, 33147, 33150, 33151, 33152, 36649, 37167, 39313, 40686, 40701, 41292, 41518, 42076, 42399, 43125, 43128, 45960, 47296, 49505, 49511, 50484, 401850);
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Really awesome job mate!
I'm impressed. Keep it going at this speed! :D