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MOP VIP V5 Bot Macros


MoP Premium
Verified Member
Here are some Macros I'm using for controlling the Bots in my Group. (Only for 5 player groups but extendable. (4 Bots + You))
Only for VIP5, I think. Maybe these Macros are helping someone. :)

Fill Group with 4 Bots
.bots group addrolebots 2 .bots group addrolebots 2 .bots group addrolebots 2 .bots group addrolebots 2

Make all Bots in Group DD (Bots added are DD bots but if they set role separate later, they are getting better gear)
/target [target=party1] .bots group setbotrole 2 /target [target=party2] .bots group setbotrole 2 /target [target=party3] .bots group setbotrole 2 /target [target=party4] .bots group setbotrole 2

Make selected Bot DD
.bots group setbotrole 2

Make selected Bot Heal
.bots group setbotrole 1

Make Selected Bot Tank
.bots group setbotrole 3

Make all Bots in Group Stay
/target [target=party1] .bots control follow 0 /target [target=party2] .bots control follow 0 /target [target=party3] .bots control follow 0 /target [target=party4] .bots control follow 0

Make all Bots in Group Follow
/target [target=party1] .bots control follow 1 /target [target=party2] .bots control follow 1 /target [target=party3] .bots control follow 1 /target [target=party4] .bots control follow 1

Make all Bots in Group Passive (Only helping on Red NPCS) >>> Have to be used after bot role is set!
/target [target=party1] .bots control agg 0 /target [target=party2] .bots control agg 0 /target [target=party3] .bots control agg 0 /target [target=party4] .bots control agg 0

Make all Bots in Group Aggressive (Attacking Yellow NPCS) >>> Have to be used after bot role is set!
/target [target=party1] .bots control agg 1 /target [target=party2] .bots control agg 1 /target [target=party3] .bots control agg 1 /target [target=party4] .bots control agg 1

Summon all Bots to Player
/target party1 .summon /target party2 .summon /target party3 .summon /target party4 .summon
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