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[Molten-WoW] <Mage & Paladin> Lordaeron Account.


Trial Member
Greetings Community,

Website: www.Molten-WoW.com.
Realm: Lordaeron x1.
Class: Mage.
Race: Human.
Faction: Alliance.

Due to a whole rang of reason, In need of money desperately. Economic crisis in my country. I am bored of gaming after 8 years. I am selling my molten-wow account with its E-mail and security questions the account information has been been changed before.

Character Information(1):

6,400 Gear score Frost&Fire Full warthful. 6350 Gear Score PvE 5/5 T10 HC. The character also has Rare: Tabards & Shirts ( Tabard of The lightbringer + Epic Purple Shirt ) many 277 items. Best in Slot PvP Gear, ready to climb the ladder.

-Mounts & Achievements:
80 mounts including Amani War Bear, Rivendare's Deathcharger, Swift Zulian Tiger, Swift Spectral Tiger, Cenarion War Hippogryph, Mekgineer's Chopper, Traveler's Tundra Mammoth, Swift Zhevra, Swift White Hawkstrider, Winterspring Frostsaber.

Many hard to get achievements such as Insane in the Membrane (the Insane title), 40 Factions exalted (the Exalted title), Frostwing Halls 25HC achievement (ICC on 25 man heroic cleared up to Sindragosa 11/12), RS10HC achievement, Hotter Streak, Just the two of Us: 2200 (Highest 2v2 Personal: 2335).

[Jewelcrafting] & [Tailoring] < 450/450 >.

This character is in one of the best guilds of the server (LK25HC, RS25HC farm).

Website: www.Molten-WoW.com.
Realm: Lordaeron x1.
Class: Paladin.
Race: Human.
Faction: Alliance.

Character Information(2):

6036 GS Holy Paladin with 8 Best in slot items and rest are 264 + Tabard of the Lightbringer.
Frostwing Halls 25HC achievement + RS10HC.

Blacksmithing+Engineering 450/450.

Best guild of the server with 3 groups farming LK25HC and RS25HC.
I'm ready to discuss many ways to trade including paypal services/IRL meeting.

Skype: Raiden_99