- 85
- 2016
- 13

This private mmorpg server give you donation for playing
How this private server give you donation for playing ?
We let you farm gold in-game and make you change it for donation points on the website.
Why its free ?
We are a community of some players from private mmorpg server, we are completly crazy about the early world of warcraft extensions.
We make this server the more blizzlike possible, with some little extra.
The rate are little high, we talk about x20. Because we know that you dont want to waist your time leveling.
You love world of warcraft and other mmorpg private servers.
Keep in mind that we use some quality repack from big mmorpg community, like emucoach.com and mmopro.org.
What repack we use ?
We use single players project 3.3.5 v10 for the wotlk so you can do solo dongeons and raid.
But dont forget you have to install the little modded menu to join the server, you can find it in the client forum session.
For the 4.3.4 we use the vip 9.1 from emucoach,
Every update that they make we are going to add it to the server.
Enjoy a cataclysm 4.3.4 server fully support by a big community.
In conclusion?
Mmopro-wow server is the main leader for a good frendly community that you always want.
We got people from canada, france, usa and more.
come to the deepholm we got murloc to kill.
Hope, you will love the expension we provide you like we love it, the new world of warcraft is becoming to much for us.
Enjoy Your Stay!
Thank you!
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