Hello EMUCoach members
We are proud to announce that we have managed to arrange MMOCoin AirDrop for EMUCoach members
If you don't know what is MMOCoin and how to get MMOCoin wallet address, then these are the following steps you have to do
1) Visit Decentralized Cryptocurrency for Gamers and Traders - MMOCoin
2) Download the windows wallet
3) Open MMOCoin-qt.exe file
4) Once its open click on receive and from receive menu you will find your Wallet address
5) Then post the address here in reply, soon you will see the 250 MMO Coins AirDrop in your MMOCoin's Wallet.
NOTE: If you have special rank on emucoach you will receive 500 MMOCoins instead of 250.
We are proud to announce that we have managed to arrange MMOCoin AirDrop for EMUCoach members
If you don't know what is MMOCoin and how to get MMOCoin wallet address, then these are the following steps you have to do
1) Visit Decentralized Cryptocurrency for Gamers and Traders - MMOCoin
2) Download the windows wallet
3) Open MMOCoin-qt.exe file
4) Once its open click on receive and from receive menu you will find your Wallet address
5) Then post the address here in reply, soon you will see the 250 MMO Coins AirDrop in your MMOCoin's Wallet.
NOTE: If you have special rank on emucoach you will receive 500 MMOCoins instead of 250.