On the repack thread "http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php?58-4-3-4-Blizzlike-Cataclysm-Deathwings-Madness-v-3-EmuCoach-s-Official-Repack" you've posted a foler with .mmaps and .mmtile file formats. i didn't get what are those.
thank you.
The folder called MMAPS?
Well it's improving the movement system, in a more blizzlike-ish way, and fixes movement spell fixes like blink (mages) for example.
They also calculate collision for non-player units. You'll no longer have NPC's running after you through walls (for example stockades). You'll also notice a huge improvement with NPC waypoints, as they'll avoid objects in their path.
TrinityCore uses an open source project called 'Recast Navigation' to generate a virtual World of Warcraft movement map. It would look something like this:
i hope i am not guessing wrong, but i have to change the ext of the .mmap into .map and the .mmtile into the .vmtile and copy them into maps and vmaps folders?